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By the time my parents get home the entire block knows what happened to me. The police are taking both my statement and Drew's, who got the guys license plate number. I let them know where the gun is, and they send an officer over to my house to get it.

I'm still in shock and everyone has already branded Drew a hero before I can even thank him. While my parents are talking to the police and Drew's mom, Drew and I go outside where the entire block is gathered.

"Did you recognize him?" Scott asks.

"No, he was just some white guy in a black truck."

"I can't believe he pulled a gun on you and I can't believe Drew tackled him." Josh replies, stunned.

"I didn't know he had a gun, or I might have thought about it before just jumping on him." Drew chuckles.

"I'm just glad you were there. I could be dead right now in a ditch somewhere or in some basement somewhere." I tell him.

"How did you know what was happening?" Trisha asks.

"Yeah, how did you know? You were in the house?"

"I was watching you from the window when I saw him pull up." He sheepishly admits.

"Well, I'm glad," I sigh. "Otherwise my parents would probably be planning my funeral."

"One of the police officers said something about a serial killer." Em chimes in.

"Oh, yeah... it's been all over the news." Patrice gasps.

"Please tell me you're kidding. I thought white people only kidnap their own kind." I sulk.

"Not this guy. So far three Black girls, five White girls, two Mexicans and one Asian girl have been linked to him."

"So, an equal opportunity scumbag. GREAT."

Knowing what I know now, I feel sick to my stomach just thinking about what could have happened. Sitting down on the sidewalk and for no apparent reason, I began to cry.

"Sid, what's wrong?" Everyone panics.

"Sidney, come here, please." My dad calls me to the house.

I wipe my tears away and head over to him. He takes me into Drew's house because one of the police officers havemore questions for me.

I'm tired of repeating myself and reliving those moments for these people. Needing to take a break from all the questioning, I excuse myself to the bathroom, only I get lost and end up in Drew's room. He's neat for a guy with posters of famous basketball players all over the place. I'm about to leave, when I notice some pictures, we took years ago when we were kids. It brings back a lot of nice memories.

"This isn't the bathroom." Drew deadpans entering his room.

My shame tinges my cheeks. "I know. I got lost."

"Come on, I'll show you where it is."

He takes me by the hand and guides me to the bathroom. I close the door behind me, but now I'm afraid to pee just in case he's standing outside the bathroom door and can hear me.

I try to go quietly, but that doesn't work out well for me at all. I really hope he isn't standing outside the door. Please God, don't let him be standing outside the door.

After washing my hands, embarrassed, I open the door. I'm relieved when he isn't standing there waiting for me and head back into the living room with my parents.

Books, Boys, and BFF's: Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now