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I thought everything would blow over and Drew and I would be back snuggling in no time, but we aren't. We've been spending less time together, and life for me sucks all over again. It's not that he stopped hanging out with me or that he's stopped talking to me. It's the fact that he spends most of his time with Kimberly now. She's stealing his heart away from me.

I can't imagine a life without Drew in it. I mean... I know I'm only sixteen, but why else would God give teenagers such strong emotions if we aren't supposed to use them.

Trisha and Patrice try convincing me to go out with someone else or let them set me up on a date. I need the distraction, so I agree to a blind date, only it isn't a blind date. Quincy shows up to the bowling alley and I choke on my soda. He's the last person I'd expect anyone to set me up with. Still, at least he's not a stranger. I already know Quincy's flaws and quirks.

The first part of our date seems harmless enough. Quincy is good at bowling, but I still kick his butt by at least ten points. We play video games at the arcade, and I attempt to hit balls in the batting cage, which proves to be a disaster because I accidentally let go of the baseball bat.

Quincy is a perfect gentleman the entire night though. He paid for everything, opened doors for me, and he pulled out my chairs. I liked that. Dare I say I miss him...? Hanging out with him reminds me of what it's like to be with him. I always know where I stand with Quincy, which is a lot more than I can say for Drew.

I tried making plans for us to go see a movie and he blew me off with some lame excuse about having to help his grandma. Still, I gave Drew the benefit of the doubt and tried again, but there's always something preventing him from being able to spend time with me now.

We had one of THEE most epic basketball games ever and when it was over, Drew went to hang out with his boys. I asked if I could come along and they all exchanged awkward glances. We ended up arguing because he claimed he justwanted it to be him and his boys, but Nicole showed me a picture on Kimberly's Facebook profile that showed her hugged up with Drew at the same party he didn't want me to go to.

At least now I know it's not all in my head. He's got a thing for her and rather than be upfront with me about it, he lies to me. Why lie...? It's not like we're exclusive.

It's obvious Drew wants his space, so I give it to him. I stop texting, calling, and I barely acknowledge him at school now. I keep wondering when he will pull the plug on our relationship, but I'm also dreading it.

"The Titans are on a winning streak and I think you have a lot to do with it." Nicole praises.

"I agree. Before you joined the varsity team they sucked." Bobby laughs.

"The recruiter from UCLA was at the game and I swear she was checking you out." Em raves.

"So was the coach from UC Davis and Stanford. You've got a great shot at a basketball scholarship, Sid." Josh adds.

"Yes, but dad wants me to be a doctor. If I even mention the word WNBA, he'll have a panic attack."

"Your grades are also good enough to secure an academic scholarship too." Trisha points out.

"I've been calling you for days, and you've been ignoring me, why?" Quincy interrupts our conversation.

"We went out, and it was fun, but I'm still mad at you Quincy."

"Then yell at me or hit me or something. Don't ghost me."

Quincy reaches up to remove a lock of hair from my face and I back away from him. Perhaps if he wouldn't try so hard, I might give him a chance.

Books, Boys, and BFF's: Sophomore YearDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu