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Trisha's morning sickness is getting pretty bad. So, mom bought her some plain saltine crackers. She's also trying to work things out with her parents so she can move back home, but mom enjoys having her around.

Josh steps up to the plate and asks Trisha to marry him. I'm shocked, but I'm also proud of him. I mean they're both still young, but he's trying to be a man, and that's what matters most. It reminds me of my conversation with Drew. Part of me is happy Josh is responsible, but I can't help but think about the fact that Josh's life is pretty much over. He invited me to help him shop for a ring for Trisha and I happily went along.

"Thank you for helping me, you're her best friend so you know what she likes," Josh smiles nervously.

"You owe me." I nudge him in the side with my elbow.

"Yes, I do."

Looking through the display case at everything they have, I can see through the reflection in the glass that something is bothering him.

"What's wrong? Are you getting cold feet?" I turn to him and ask.

"No, um... I wanted to apologize to you. If I ruined your relationship with Drew, that wasn't my intention."

That's why he's been so quiet...? He feels guilty about what happened between Drew and me. Oh, no...

"You didn't ruin anything Josh. Drew's parents think I'm a distraction and they don't want us together. That's why he broke up with me. They don't want me to distract him from his NBA career."

"I guess I can understand that. I mean look what happened with Trisha and me. We thought we could handle being together without getting distracted and now we're about to have a baby. I don't want that to be you." He confides.

"I get it, but Drew and I aren't you and Trisha. I don't want kids and I plan on making sure I never have any."

"I know breaking up with him has really hurt you, but I think it's for the best. Who knows, maybe once he's done sleeping with all the girls at Consumnes he'll be ready to settle down." Josh laughs.

"Is it sad that I miss him? It's pathetic, isn't it?"

"No. You never really get over your first love Sid."

"Tell me about it. I feel stupid because if he asked me to, I would probably take him back and I hate feeling this way. I hate how painfully aware I am that he isn't texting or calling me. I hate that without him I feel empty."

"You know that old saying, right?"

"What saying?" I frown.

"If you love someone, love them enough to let them go, and watch them grow. If they come back to you, then you'll know."

"What hallmark card did you get that from?" I raise an amused brow at him.

"Just know that I'm here for you okay. You're my little sister and I love you," Josh hugs me.

"I love you too."

I help Josh pick out the perfect engagement ring for Trisha and he proposes to her that night at dinner. Everyone celebrates with cake and ice cream afterwards, but it's hard for me to be enthusiastic about it when my own love life is in peril. Quincy cancelled our date, which is a first, but it's not surprising. He probably lost interest, just like Drew.

Patrice and Nicole come over though, and we go outside to watch the neighborhood kids play football with Em. I wonder how she's doing with her own boyfriend. She hasn't talked about Mark in a while.

Books, Boys, and BFF's: Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now