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Josh went home early that day claiming he was sick, and Trisha never got her answer. She told her parents who agreed to a sit-down with my parents. There was talk of pressing charges against Josh from Trisha's father, but none of that happened. Still, it was enough to have Josh shaking in his boots.

For once it was Josh in the hot seat. My parents' golden boy. They put him on a pedestal, always talking about how much potential he had. I wonder if they feel the same way now.

I'm not rooting for my brother to fail, but it's nice to see him do something less genius and more human for a change. With an I.Q. equal to, if not higher than Einstein's, he doesn't even have the common sense to put on a condom. It's comical really. Unfortunately, neither he nor my parents find it as funny as I do.

"I can't believe Josh got Trisha pregnant." Drew goes up for a shot.

"Shut up and play," I steal the ball from him.

I go up for a layup, make the shot and smile. It bothers Drew whenever I beat him at basketball. I love it.

"You're doing a number on my ego, you know that." He laughs.

"Someone needs to knock it down a bit mister hoop star."

"Oh, so you made it your personal goal to bust my balls, huh?"

"No, you'd like that too much," I go up for another jump shot. "But I do enjoy shooting three pointers in your face."

The ball dances around the rim for a second then drops inside the net and I laugh. Drew shakes his head. "You think you're funny, don't you?"

He grabs the water hose from the side of the house. Knowing what he's about to do, I try to run, but he catches me. We fight for the hose but by the time I'm able to get it away from him I'm already drenched from head to toe.

"Drew, get your hands off my daughter, please." Dad asks from the front porch. I didn't even see him come out of the house.

STALKER much...

"Yes, sir." Drew releases me.

"What's up dad?" I ask.

"Your mother needs your help in the kitchen. Go get changed and help her out."

"Is it okay if I come inside?" Drew asks.

My dad glares at Drew. Given the whole fiasco with Josh and Trisha, now is probably not the best time to be asking my dad anything.

"Okay. So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." Drew walks away.

"Tomorrow is the big game. Don't forget." I shout to him.

"Me... forget? Now that's funny," he smiles. "I live for the game."

"Goodbye Drew." Dad repeats more sternly.

Drew nods and jogs across the street to his house to dry off. "What happened to you?" Mom asks as I walk into the house.

"Drew drenched me with the water hose."

"You know you're wearing a white t-shirt, don't you?"

"Yes, mom. What's the big deal?"

"Go look in the mirror," she tells me. "Maybe then you'll understand."

I jog up to my bedroom, and when I stand in front of my bathroom mirror, I realize I can see my bra. Knowing Dad, when he saw my shirt, he probably thought Drew was up to no good. Come to think of it, knowing Drew, he probably was.

Books, Boys, and BFF's: Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now