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Drew's dad's loft is nice. It's a total bachelor pad, and it has everything a teenager could dream of. The refrigerator is still stocked full of goodies like he actually lives here.

My dad continues to blow me up. So, I shut off my phone. I don't want anyone tracking me to where I am. I don't wantto get Drew or his family in trouble. Not after everything they've done for me.

"Oh my God," I feel nauseous. "What have I done?"

Drew pulls me into his arms and holds me. "Just give him time to calm down, Sid."

"Why did I do this? He will send me back to boarding school and then I'll never see you again. He'll just lock me up and throw away the key until I'm eighteen," I panic. "I should have just kept my mouth shut like you said. I should have gone to my room and let him calm down. Oh my God... why did I do this?"

"Sid, calm down. What's done is done. All I care about right now is making sure you're safe and okay."

"Don't you get it? If he sends me back to that place, I won't be any of those things. It's a bad place, Drew. The new head mistress swore if I ended up back there, I'd regret it. I can't go back there."

"Then we'll figure something out, just calm down."

"God, I'm so stupid. I have a four-point GPA in academics, but I am failing in life." I sulk.

"You're a teenage girl," he chuckles. "Drama is a rite of passage or a coming of age thing for you girls, isn't it?"

"No... maybe." I shrug.

"I know you're freaking out, but we have three uninterrupted days together thanks to my dad. Let's make the best of it and we can worry about your dad and all that later."

Drew presses his lips to mine and his tongue sweeps through my mouth. My mind goes blank and my hormones shoot through the roof. Or maybe it's the adrenaline.

His words finally sink in though. We're alone. He and I are alone in his father's loft with no adult supervision and no one to stop us from doing anything stupid if we wanted to. This is probably the last time I will see Drew for a while. So, I definitely want to make it count.

I shrug off my jacket and grasp his face between my hands. His hands slide down the small of my back and firmlygrips my backside.

"Where's the bedroom?" I ask.

Drew's eyes widen. He takes me by the hand, past the kitchen, and up some stairs where there are two bedrooms. Both have their own bathrooms. We avoid his dad's bedroom and end up in the spare.

"Sid-" Drew hesitates.

"Shhh," I shush him, pulling him into the room and closing the door. I kiss his lips a few more times as I back us up to the bed, climbing onto it and pulling him down on top of me. "I don't want to talk. I don't want to think. I just want to do it." I tell him.

"I don't have protection."

"I don't care. You can just pull out. That's what guys do, don't they?"

"Not if they're smart, and I'm not trying to have any babies right now."

"Then when you feel yourself getting close, just pull out."

Drew reels back and stares at me like I'm crazy. I bug my eyes out at him and he laughs, lowering his lips to mine. Things heat up between us until his phone rings interrupting our make-out session.

Books, Boys, and BFF's: Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now