My Court My Rules

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I'm no longer allowed to see Drew or catch a ride home with him. To make matters worse, my dad has made it to where I have to catch the bus with Trisha or walk if I can't catch a ride with Josh. It sucks. My life officially sucks, and I don't understand it.

Drew's a good kid. So, he keeps his word to my dad and stays away from me. Well... at home anyway. At school we're still very much a couple.

"You still grounded?" Patrice asks.


"How much longer?"

"Probably until I'm eighteen." I sigh heavily.

"You and Drew are like the perfect couple though." Trisha pouts.

"We're both trying to be respectful, but it's so hard."

"Sorry Sid."

"It's all good. Drew and I will just have to be a school campus couple until the Warden lifts his sanction on us." I roll my eyes.

No matter how many people feel sorry for me, it won't change my dad's mind about me dating Drew. He doesn't care, and Sidney Stansfield is done being 'good'. Nope. No more being the law-abiding princess for daddy. From this point on, I will march to the beat of my own drum, and I don't care what kind of hell I catch for it.

The first week after the dinner that blew up in my face, I had to endure grueling housework. The second week was yardwork. And the third week was cleaning out the garage. But I didn't complain once. I kept my head down, I did whatever my dad asked, and I didn't half-ass any of it. Come the end of the fourth week, the Warden finally let me off punishment.

It was the longest month of my life, and I spent the entire time thinking about Drew. About all the sweet kisses we shared behind my dad's back. I'm sure he thought he'd nipped our relationship in the bud, but I won't go down that easily this time.

The guys are outside playing football again, and since I'm bored out of my mind, I go to watch.

"Are you going outside?" Dad stops me at the front door.

"Yeah. Why? Is there a problem?"

"I'm not stupid, Sid. I know why you're going out there."

"Yeah, because I always go outside to watch them play." I scoff.

"Stay away from Drew. Are we clear?"

"Can I at least talk to him?" I ask. "Or is talking against the law in this house too?"

"Yes, but I don't want you going over to his house and no going on walks together either." He lays down the law.


I hurry outside and walk over to Trisha who's standing next to Josh. He's talking to Drew. Scott smiles at me as I walk over, but it's more of a ha-ha smile than a smile that says hello.


"Hey." Drew smiles.

"Thank you for being so cool about everything."

Smiling nervously, he tells me, "Don't sweat it, it's no big deal."

"Who's the new girl?" I ask, noticing some girl I don't recognize talking to Drew's mom across the street. They look pretty chummy.

"She's the new transfer I was telling you about," Trisha informs me. "Where have you been this past month?"

"In pure hell," I answer. "Does she live here?"

Books, Boys, and BFF's: Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now