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Mom and Dad got a good laugh out of me that night. It gave them some reassurance that they were doing something rightwith me.

After the whole Josh incident, they weren't so sure how well they protected us from outside influences. My dad was ready to have both Emily, and I checked to see if we were sexually active until mom told him what I said.

Trisha moved in with us, which is a great thing because now I'm able to talk to her about my issues with Drew whenever I want. He started acting like a jerk to me after that night. He didn't like the fact that I got so freaked out over what he called nothing, but he pushed me too far past my comfort zone. Rather than be understanding though, he's frustrated with the fact that he can't do whatever he wants with me.

As if I'm just going to blindly let him do whatever he wants to me...

I have standards, and I'm not doing anything I don't want to do. So, we argue about it on a daily basis now.

One of my teammates has a sister who has a reputation for being loose and she's been all over Drew lately too. Given the fact that his teenage hormones are going crazy, I'm really worried. When I brought it up to him, he completely dismissed my feelings, making me cry. That's when I learned just how hurtful he can be when he wants to.

What the hell did I get myself into with him...? Is this how all guys act or is this a spoiled Drew thing...?

"I saw you talking to Annette Crawford today." I confront him for the millionth time.

"So." Drew shrugs, already uninterested in the conversation.

"What's up with you and her?" I ask.


"Are we going to talk about the other night?"

"You mean when you flipped out on me for kissing you?" He finally meets my gaze.

"Drew," I sigh. "You were pushing my boundaries, and I got scared."

"I'm sure if I pushed Annette's boundaries, she wouldn't freak out on me." Was his reply.

"Then maybe you should go be with Annette."

"The thought has crossed my mind." He fires back.

It's comments like this that make me worry about him. There are hundreds of girls throwing themselves at him. I glare at him and he stares back with this stupid smirk on his face.

"Well, when you make that leap, I want you to remember something. There are a thousand Annette's out there, but there's only one Sidney. Anything you can do, I can do better, and I will."

Drew eyes me incredulously and shakes his head laughing. "Yo, why are you always giving me crap? All I'm saying is I want to kiss you without you freaking out on me. That's what couples do when they love each other."

Did Drew Taylor just say the 'L' word? EEK!

"Are you saying you love me?" I lean back with a smirk.

"That did just come out of my mouth, didn't it?" He laughs, surprised.

"You love me." I tease.

"You better not tell anybody I said that, or my player card is gonna get revoked."

"Please, I'm recording this confession on my phone and uploading it to YouTube. Then I'm gonna tag all your friends."

Books, Boys, and BFF's: Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now