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As Em and I walk the halls trying to get to class, Annette and her friends stop to snicker at me. Now that Drew's dumped me in front of the whole school, there will probably be a thot stampede as the many girls waiting to get a piece of him vie for a chance to win him over.

During practice, my concentration is off, and I can't focus. There's a thick cloud of emotion swelling in my chest and it intensifies when I see him. It's hard for me to imagine not being with him. We had plans to spend the holidays together, and I even bought him a little something for Christmas.

Distraught, I ask coach if I can go home early and she agrees. I make the twenty-minute walk home and collapse on my bed. I must have fallen asleep because hours later Em wakes me up to let me know Drew's downstairs.

He and his family came over for game night. Apparently neither of our parents have gotten the memo we've broken up. The mini cooper he gave me is still sitting out front, and I don't want it anymore. It's not like I know how to drive it, anyway. Grabbing the keys off my dresser, I follow Em downstairs and place the keys in Scott's hand.

"Here, I think it's best that you have it." I tell him.

"But Drew gave that car to you," Mrs. Taylor frowns, confused.

"Yeah, well, I don't want it anymore."

"My mom's right. I gave that car to you." Drew finally acknowledges me.

"Yeah, and I accepted it because I thought we would be together. Now that we're not, I don't feel right accepting it."


"Don't. You wanted this, remember? Since my dad and Josh have a problem with you, my feelings don't matter. So,you know what, just give it to your brother."

I head back up to my room and put my earbuds on, listening to music while doing my homework. I refuse to let Drew be a distraction for me this time.

Moments later I'm tapped on the shoulder and am surprised to see my dad standing there. Is he coming up here to lecture me? I'm really not in the mood for one of his lectures. I just want to be left alone.

"What's up?" I take my earbuds out.

"I gather you and Drew had a falling out?" He smiles apologetically.


"You said it was because of me."

"He knows that you and Josh don't like him, and he said that he's tired of trying to please you. So, he dumped me."

"My not liking Drew is nothing personal. I will hate every boy that comes into your life because I know one of them will take you from being my little girl into womanhood one day, and I'm not ready." He begrudgingly admits.

Hearing my dad's take on it is sweet. He's always tough as nails, so to have him be sweet for once reminds me of how much he used to love me. I just don't know when all of that changed.

"I think I'm in love with him dad." I confide.

"Have you told him?"

"I tell him all the time, but he still treats me like I'm replaceable. I don't like that."

"He's young Sidney. Drew treating you like you're replaceable, is his way of trying to protect his heart, his pride, and his ego. It's stupid, but that's how guys can get sometimes. He will make a million mistakes in his lifetime. I think it's written in a man's genetic code somewhere to be as dumb as possible for as long as possible. That's why girls mature faster." He jokes.

Books, Boys, and BFF's: Sophomore YearWhere stories live. Discover now