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Confused. That's how I felt when Quincy brought me home. Drew came tapping on my bedroom window and I was happy to see him until I noticed the pissed off look on his face. He's mad that I never responded to any of his texts or calls.

I told him Quincy took my phone from me, but he feels I should have demanded my phone back. Or I should have found some way to get my phone so I could talk to him.

In short, Drew's pissed off because he feels I ignored him to be with Quincy. And now, whenever we're in the same room together, we usually end up arguing. I hate this.

Every day after school he comes over to my house and we do homework together then cuddle on the couch or hold hands. It proves to be too much for my dad who constantly gives Drew the evil eye whenever he puts his arm around me or holds my hand.

"Trisha and I are going to her doctor's appointment next week if you want to go." Mom offers.

"Sidney needs to stay in school." Dad shoots that offer down.

"It's just one day William."

"Yes, but this is Sidney we're talking about."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Okay, time out. It's not that serious, and I don't want to go mom." I play peacemaker for the two of them. The only fight worse than a Sid and Drew fight is a Bill and Tina fight.

My mom exchanges glances with dad. I feel like they're about to argue anyway. So, I get out of there and head over to Drew's. He's outback playing basketball with his brother, Josh and some of his friends. Trisha, Nicole and Patrice are there too, but neither of those heifers told me they were coming over.

"Your girlfriend is here," Scott rolls his eyes.

Drew turns around to see me, and smiles. Scott glares at me like I'm trespassing or something. I swear he doesn't like me.

"I can't believe Drew bought you a car." Nicole raves, giving me hug.

Seriously, is that really the first thing she thought about when she saw me...? No hi, how are you Sidney...? How have you been...?

"He didn't buy me a car, he gave it to me," I clarify. "His father did a commercial for a local dealership back in the day and got a car that he then gave to Drew's mom too."

"Either way you put it, he gave you a car, Sidney. I can barely get a guy to buy me lunch or a soda." Patrice chuckles.

"Tell me about it." Nicole high-fives her.

"Drew's supposed to teach me how to drive it so I can get my license. Until then it may as well be a very expensive paperweight."

"Maybe I should have held out with Drew longer." Nicole laughs.

Did she really just say that to my face...?

"Hey, I told you not to break up with him." I shrug off her comment.

"You and Drew belong together. It's for the best." She corrects herself.

Nice save...

"I heard about you and Bobby." I smirk.

"Heard what?"

"He told Drew how you let him get to third base and now Drew's sweating me about it."

"Third base? I let him unbutton three buttons and look at them. That was it. He's such a liar." She shakes her head.

"Yeah and according to Drew, you and he did much worse." Xerxes chimes in, raising his brow at me.

Books, Boys, and BFF's: Sophomore YearOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz