Chapter 9: Truth and Date

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I woke up earlier than jack as my alarm buzzed, annoyingly. I slowly crept out of the bed, careful not to wake Jack up. I walked over to my drawers, filled with clothes and grabbed black skinny jeans, a red t-shirt, a black hoodie and some red converse. I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to kind-of style it, so it looked good enough. I walked down stairs and licked my lips at the waffles my mum was making. "Morning sweetie", she told me as i sat down at the table. "Morning mum", i replied. She put 4 waffles onto a plate before grabbing her handbag, after checking the time on her watch. "Sorry, i have to go but help yourself to the waffles, just save some for your brother and i think Jack might want one as well", she told me as she stuffed her phone into her bag. "Ok, bye mum, love you", i told her waving as she walked out the door calling, "Love you to from the outside".

(Btw just wanted to say that i cant rlly be bothered to look up if Mark has a younger brother or what his name is but i decided that he will be 13 years old, also gay, black (i guess u could say kinda almost shoulder length hair emo hair, but hes not one) hair, his name will be Dan and he might have a boy friend, Idk, still coming up with it)

I walked upstairs into Dan's room, taking a waffle upstairs for him. I watched him sleeping but knew he had to get up, so like every morning, I yanked his black quilt off his sleeping body and tickled him. He squirmed and tried to wiggle away. He got me off, "Srsly Mark?", he said tiredly, chuckling a little. He pulled the blanket back onto him and cuddled himself on it. "Umm, look, yummy waffles, i said tempting him to get up, while wafting the sent into his nose. He suddenly snatched the waffle off the plate and ate it, still not getting up. I smirked as i glanced over to his phone and picked it up, his back still turned to me. "Ohhh, whats this, a text from Tyler?", i told him in a high pitched voice, teasing him about his boyfriend. (Yup guys little Dan has a boyfriend).

He suddenly jumped out of bed and snatched the phone away from me as he blushed. "Marrrrkkkk", he told me, dragging the word for effect. I just laughed and told him to get changed.

Sean's POV

I woke up and slithered out of Marks bed. I checked the time, eh only seven i thought to myself as i jumped up off the floor i sunk onto. I walked over to Marks draw, trying to find something long sleeved. I was actually really happy that i got to wake up late for once. I actually wasn't tired before school and i could be as loud as i wanted. I eventually found a long sleeved black t-shirt, but it was way too big on me. It looked like id have to go with a small, short sleeved my chemical romance t-shirt and just wear my own black hoodie over it. I had to wear the black skinny jeans that i woke up in and my green converse (which i rlly didn't mind because they suit me best anyways). I walked down the stairs and melted at the beautiful smell of waffles, wow i haven't eaten in the mornings since... well ever. Especially not woken up to waffles, i thought to myself.

I melted even more when i got to wake up to a shirtless Mark, sitting at the table. I stared at him until he snapped me out of my trance and said, "Mornin Jack, You ok about last night? I have some waffles by the way if you want any. I nodded before sitting down at the table. "Yeah... I'm fine Mark", i replied. "Well, you wanna' tell me what happened", he asked, with a questioning look on his face. "Umm... just.. family issue's but its nothing you need to worry about", i told him studdering. "Are you sure?", he asked as he placed his hand on my arm that was leaning on the table. "Yeah, actually... uh.. ill tell you later, promise", i told him just putting it off. "Oh.. Okay. By the way i have a little brother called Dan so just gonna' warn you if you see a black haired 13 year old walking around", he told me, chuckling a little. I laughed and said, " Ok", as Dan happened to walk down the stairs. "Oh hi!", he said, " Is this Jack? Mark?", Dan asked. "Uh.. Yeah", he said nervously.

"Hi", i told him after finishing my waffle. "Nice accent... By the way", he said cheekily as he smirked, "Marks been saying a LOT about you", i giggled as Mark looked at him with a face that said, "What the fuck did you say that for?!". Dan just laughed as he scribbled something using a paint pad app on his phone (idk, whatever its called, where u "paint" on you phone and scribble on ur phone with your fingers lol idk anymore) As Mark turned around Dan suddenly held up a little sign that he spelt out on his phone. I laughed a little as it said "gay" with a arrow pointing at Mark. He edited it a little and scribbled two arrows this time, one also pointing at him.

Mark swiftly turned around before Dan was able to put his phone back down. He just chuckled slightly and said, "So.. That's how you want to play?", you know Jack already knows and how the fuck did you know?", he said as he winked when he mentioned me. "What the fuck!? Lol i was just doing it as a joke!", he said, astonished. Marks face turned red but then he just smirked, "Well, i guess you know now", he laughed, "How would you feel if i tried to embarrass you in front of your boy friend? Also Jesus Christ Dan Language?!", he asked. "OH MY GOD YAY, congrats Mark! Wait" ,he said astonished, "You to are.. like going out. Also I really don't give a fuck about language and don''t fucking try to fuck me and Tyler up. He laughed before pecking my lips as I blushed, "Well.. I will Fuck you and Tyler up if you dont cut out the swearing", he said protectively, but laughed a little, "And well, sorta i guess, In fact... Technically not, Jack, you wanna' maybe sorta kinda go out?", he asked me as i smiled widely. "Yeah!", i told him excitedly. He smiled, "Ok! Well, Lets do it tomorrow and ill be right back i have to go get changed", he told me getting up from the table.

Dan Laughed as he stuck his thumbs on his pockets, leaning against the door frame. "Oh are you sure you don't wanna' leave the top off", he asked wiggling his eyebrows, "I think Jack likes you better like that". He laughed, obviously realising i had been staring at his ripped body. Mark turned around, scruffed his brothers hair, then tickling him and grabbing Dans phone before running up the stairs with it. "What are you doing Mark!", he yelled running up the stairs after him. Mark laughed before running into his room, "Nothing! Just wrecking a relationship!", he called from his room as i laughed.

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