Chapter 51: Boring Days In The Hospital and The Unnamed

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Sean's POV

Later on my mum had to leave the hospital and go get dinner for herself.  Me and Mark took out our Mc Donald's.  It was sadly cold since we left it until the end of the conversation with my mum.  We just got a twenty pack of chicken nuggets with some fries and milkshakes.  

It was pretty late after we finished eating.  Mark got changed into his pyjama's, which we just pyjama pants with no top, while i had to stay in a stupid hospital gown thing.  He slowly got into bed and wrapped his arm around me as i rested my head onto his chest.  "You wanna watch something on this T.V?", He asked as he pointed to the little hospital T.V in my room.

"I don't think hospitals have Netflix and i NEEEEEDDD Netflix", I laughed.  "I think my mum packed my laptop in the duffel bag she brought", He told me with a chuckle.  He slipped out the bed and tip toed along the cold hospital floor, unzipping his bag that lay in the corner of the room and shuffling through it.

After a bit of looking through his bag he walked back with a bright red laptop in his hand as he walked back over to the bed. "Yay!", I basically shouted as he came back into the bed with it.  We picked out a movie (Idk fucking Madagascar or some shit like that XD) and begin getting comfortable as the laptop rested on the bed.

Through about 30 minutes of the movie i fell asleep against Marks chest, making sure to cuddle closer to him before i did.

Time skip - The nest morning

I woke up with no Mark next to me.  My lips we pulled down into a frown as i looked around the room.  I reached to the side table to get my phone and saw a 'taco bell' bag with a sticky not attached to it.  It read: Hi Jack, sorry I had to leave for school :( but i didnt want to wake you up.  You look so cute when you sleep.  If it makes you feel any better, i brought you some taco bell for breakfast so you didnt have to eat any of the hospital's shit lol.  Love mark xx

I smiled after reading the note and sat up carefully to grab the food and my phone.  I checked the time as i unlocked my phone.  10:46pm, wow that's a little late, i thought to myself (XD says the author who woke up at fucking 1:58pm this morning lol.  Im such a lazy cunt).  I grabbed my breakfast and let the bag rest on my lap as i bit into my taco.

I put some adventure time on Netflix to watch while i ate.

Time skip - Lunch time (1:30pm)

  Its only been a couple hours and i miss Mark so fucking much!  I sat in a hospital bed all morning just watching Netflix, i just want Mark to take me out some where or something.  I'm so fucking bored! I thought to myself as before a nurse walked into my room with a sandwich, some jelly in a little pot, orange juice and a cookie.

It didn't look like taco bell or KFC but i guess it had to do.  "Hello, Sean, how are you feeling?", She asked politely as she set my tray of food on the table beside my bed.  "I'm okay thank you, just a little bored in here", I chuckled.  "Oh, sorry.  Are you hurting anywhere?", She asked.

"Nope, i feel fine thanks", I told her, to be honest i just couldn't be arsed to talk.  "Okay, i might be back soon to check up o you again", She told me as she walked out the door.  I looked at the tray on my table and reached for the sandwich.  Nah! I thought to myself as i chuckled and switched the direction my hand was going, aiming for the cookie.  

I nibbled in the end of the cookie as i went back to watching Netflix.

Time skip - 3:45

My face lit up as Mark walked in, holding roses in his hand.  "Hey baby, you okay?", He asked as he handed me the flowers and leaned in for a kiss, which i returned, gladly.  "Aw, thank you so much Marky", I told him and i gave him a hug, flowers still in my hand.  "Of course babe, I just hope you get better soon", He told me softly.  

"Yeah, me too", I told him as i set the flowers down on the bed.  "And i'm alright, other than the fact that... ya know.... I MISSED YOU SO FUCKING MUCH!! You know how boring it is sitting in a fucking hospital bed for a whole day?! Just fucking watching Netflix!", I yelled.  "Aw how sad", He said sarcastically with a chuckle, "Does poor baby need to be taken on a walk?", He laughed.

"Shut the fuck up!", I laughed as i shoved him playfully.  "Yeah, yeah okay babe.  But your gonna have to stay in here for another 4 or 5 days.  Sorry.", He told me as i nodded sadly.  "At least ill have you tomorrow", I answered.  "Yeah babe", i replied.

Time skip - 6:59pm

Mark's POV

Me and Sean lay in the bed most of the night, my arm around him.  Suddenly we were interrupted by the door opening, revealing the nurse with some people behind her.  Looked like Dan, Mum and Tyler.  "Hey Jack! Are you okay?", Dan asked as he rushed past the nurse with Tyler, straight to the hospital bed.  

"Yeah i'm alright.  Do you guys know what happened?", Jack asked.  "I told my mum this morning after i brought your food.  Did you tell Dan and Tyler mum?", I asked.  "Yeah, they know", She told them.  "Asshole", I heard Dan mutter under his breath.  

"Its alright, he's gone now.  I'm okay anyway, i just wanna' be let out here soon", Jack said, a little sadness in his voice.  "I hope so", Tyler said with a smile.  "We got you a card by the way", Dan said, excitedly as he handed Jack the card with 'Get Well Soon' on the front.  

Aw, thanks", Jack said happily.  Suddenly someone stomped into the room, angrily, glaring at me and Jack lying on the bed together.

Sorry this was so late.  I began updating at midnight and then my fucking interwebs starts to fucking go out!? I COULDNT LIVE, NO WATTPAD, NO NETFLIX, NO YOUTUBE!???!!!!! ITS NOW 1:49am AND MY INTERNET HAS ONLY JUST CAME BACK ON.  ITS BEEN 49 MINUTES???!!!! KILL ME ..... Anyways bai :3

Stay alive and Stay happy

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