Chapter 45: More Questions and Less Answers

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Marks POV

"Baby? Are you okay?", I asked quietly and worriedly as i walked over to him and sat on the floor with him. "Uh, ye-yeah. A-as long as h-he doesn't co-come back, ill-ill be f-fine", He said between shaky breaths. "What just happened?!", Dan practically shouted.

"Shut up Dan! Dont shout like that!", I whisper-shouted. "Well, what happened?", Tyler asked as he walked over to Jack worriedly. He put his arm around Jack, "You okay?", He asked sadly. Dan walked over as well. "Mark? What the fuck did you do? What was all the shouting for?", He asked. "Sean's dad isn't 'very nice'. Ugh! In other words he's just a giant bag of asses and he came here, thinking that Sean was here. I had to keep Sean upstairs and i got his dad away", I told him. "twat", Tyler muttered under his breath.

I placed a kiss on his cheek as he carried on shaking in the corner. "Sean? He's gone, ou dont have to be scared anymore", Tyler told him. "Sorry T-Tyler, can y-you call me J-Jack, I-I dont like my r-real name", I told him. "Sure", He said with a soft smile.

"What about Mark? He calls you that all the time", Dan asked curiously. "M-Marks different. I like it from M-Mark", He said as he gave me a peck on the lips. "C'mon baby, lets get you up", I told him softly as i picked him up off the floor. I walked downstairs with him in my arms and placed him on the couch. "Th-thanks b-babe", He told me as my heart fluttered. I love it when he calls me that. "Your welcome baby", I told him as i got a black fluffy blanket.

I placed the blanket over Sean and looked around for a movie. I thought a Disney movie would cheer him up so i put 'Up' in the DVD player (Don't judge meh choice of Disney movie plz XD). I then pressed play, walked back up to Sean and lay in the blanket with him. As soon as I got in the blanket he cuddled close to me.

I sat nearest to the wall so Sean lay in front of me. He pushed his back towards me as i wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed the top of his head. After about 10 minutes of the movie he fell asleep in my arms. I pulled him closer to me as i fell asleep with him.

Time Skip - When they wake up

I was woken up by the door opening loudly and then my dad, "What the fuck are you two doing?", he asked calmly but a little aggressively. Me and Jack suddenly shot up. "We just fell asleep, Jesus Christ dad! You fucking scared us!", I told him. "Yeah, you fell asleep, but like that?", He asked as he saw us cuddling.

"What about how we were sleeping dad? Dont you remember the amount of times you would come home and i would have Felix or Mia under my arm, sleeping on the fucking couch. Sometimes both of them. Jesus Christ all we did was fall asleep!", I said angrily. "I swear to god Mark, if your gay", He growled.

"Dad! You know that im not! We fell asleep! It happens all the fucking time! We were fucking tired. I had a massive fight in form with a bunch of twats! It gets a little tiring when your punching them all in the face.", I told him. Him and Jacl actually laughed. "Yeah right Mark, i saw you today. It was barley a fight! There all pussy's! You only had to do about three punches before they were on the ground", Jack laughed.

That caused me to chuckle a little. "Alright Mark, ill see you later. Me and your mum will be upstairs", He laughed as he patted my back and walked upstairs with mum. After they had gone upstairs i gave Jack a sweet and short kiss on the lips and took my phone out as he scrolled through channels.

4 unread messages from group chat: frens who fuck around

Mia: Jack! Some fucking asshole was looking around for u!

Mia: He came to my house

Mia: I didnt tell him where u were but who the fuck is that twat?!


You: wtf?! He came to ur house too?

Mia: Thank god! Its been hours!!! tf were u guys doing

Mia: XD was it getting kinky??

You: tf is it with u and kinkiness XD


You: Me and Jack just fell asleep lmao

Mia: Oh kewl, anyways who was this twat

You: Wait. Mia??

Mia: Wut??

You: U and me... r we frens yet??

Mia: Ummmmmm.... what makes u think we r??

You: Our text convo just. U actually joked around instead of hating me

Mia: Hm, maybe u can be meh friend but.... fren? Now fren... Thats a big thing. To be meh fren.. thats alot XD

You: XD yeah whatevs

Mia: WHO

Mia: WAS

Mia: THE

Mia: GUY?????

Felix: wut guy?

Dan: 0.0

Mia: Its nothing. Just piss off 4 a sec, s0rry beans :3

Felix: kay, but were talking when ur done -.-

You: The guy was... Ill have 2 tell u all tomoz, it cant be over the phone. Cya. I gtg

Mia: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

Felix: Kk bai

lolololololololololol tf am i doing??? I hope u guys enjoyed BAIII x3 lmao

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