Chapter 32 - Morning kisses and Dyslexia Problems

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Sean's POV

I woke up tiredly pretty early, before Marks alarm even went off.  Probably cause i went to sleep last night so early.  I smiled as i looked at my chest and saw Marks arms wrapped around it.  His head on top of mine.  I'm so luckily to have him.  Someone who really loves me.  Someone who cares.  Someone who saved me from this hell that people seem to call 'life'.  Because of Mark I can call it 'life', because i can live instead of just survive.

I kissed his cheek before slowly getting out of the bed.  I patted down my hair and walked over to my clothes.  Picking out a long sleeved black shirt, some black skinny jeans, a grey beanie and grey converse. With a grey hoodie.  I got changed right there.  He was my boyfriend after all.  He had seen all of my scars by now and plus he was fast asleep.

Mark's POV

I blushed a bright magenta as i woke up to see Jack, his back turned to me, slipping his shirt off.  He took his trousers off.  There he was, standing in his boxers.  He looked beautiful and i couldn't ignore it.  Although the scars on his arms didn't look good, he was still gorgeous.  I bot my lip as i saw his V line as his boxers shuffled down a little.

Before he put any of his clothes back on i slowly got out of the bed.  Walking up to him quietly.  When i got to him i wrapped my arms around his shirtless chest.  Leaning my head on his shoulder as i watched him blushed madly.

"Morning baby", I told him as he blushed a even darker shade of red.  "Mo-Morning Marky", he told me.  I loved that nickname.  As he said it i began kissing up his neck.  What? He's never shirtless, might as well enjoy the moment.  I kissed him down his neck and across his right shoulders as my hands roamed his body.

He let out a quiet moan as i stroked down his thy.  He turned around and mashed our lips together into a heated kiss.  His hands slid up and down my body as i backed up and fell onto the bed.  Leaving him on top of me.  He smiled in the kiss before i slid my tongue into his mouth.  I suddenly heard a knock on my door as Dan's voice spoke through it, "Mark? You up yet? Mums made breakfast", He told me before he let himself in the door.

He chuckled as we blushed a light shade of red.  Jack was more pale though.  He quickly burried himself in the quilt and wrapped it around him.  I knew why.  Those bastard cuts he thought he deserved.  Sean is too delicate and precious to cut himself in such away.  It was terrible, brutal. But god did he look good with out a shirt on.  God im a terrible person.

Dan chuckled, "Oh i see", He laughed, "Getting kinky before school are we", He told us.  "Oh shut up", I laughed as Sean giggled, adorably.  "Anyways, put some clothes on Jack and Mark, put on a shirt and some trousers that aren't pyjama's", He told us.  "Excuse me?! And who said your the older brother?", I asked, laughing a little in the sentence.  

"No one, just cause im not older, doesn't mean im not smarter", He chuckled, walking out the room.  "You calling me dumb?!", I asked.  Only, he walked out the door before he could answer.  I walked to my drawers and chucked Sean the clothes he lay out for himself.  I wore denim ripped jeans, a black t-shirt, a black beanie and denim sneakers.

Sean got changed as well and we walked out the door together.  We walked down the stairs, and sat at the table.  Waiting for the eggs and bacon my mum was making.  He rested his head on my shoulder and we held hands under the table.  As my mum turned around to give us our plates, he jumped up off me and pulled his hands from mine.

She lay the plates on the table and we began eating.  Sean practically stuffing food into his mouth.  After we finished eating, there was a knock at the door.  Of course, as Dan answered it Tyler latched onto him.  I smiled at them.  Only as i walked out of the kitchen, i noticed that Dad was glaring right at them.  Tyler noticed and quickly parted from Dan.  Me and Sean grabbed our school bags and me, Jack, Dan and Tyler all walked to school.

My friends came over and they, of course, heard about the huge fight that happened between me and Sam.  He said that Tristain wans't even in school because of it.  Sam was forced to go to school because his attendence was terrible and his mum would get into trouble or something.  Will came in school as well.  But i didnt do much to him, luckily motherfucker.

I knew Sean didn't like my friends all that much so i stayed close to him and kept my arm around him when the question came up again, "Mark? Are you and Jack going out?", Micheal I just rolled my eye's and sighed, "Yeah... Why?", I asked he just shrugged.  I could tell he wasn't all that comfortable with it.

".. Cool?", he replied.  "Yeah, i know it is! Why can't we all just shut up about how 'wrong' it is to everyone, I dont fucking get it.  Yeah, he's my boyfriend.  And i'm happy about it so can the question just stop being asked?!", I growled as we walked into the school gates.

Dude, its fine, you will always be the coolest Jock in school.  Dont get so heated up about it man", Gerard told me (Yesh Gerard Way PLZ LET SOMEONE KNOW WHO HE IS PLEASE HOLY LORD XD) "Thanks man", I told him.  Me and Jack walked into form.  I was so happy i told the school i was going out with him.

We could now hold hands and wrap our arms around each other without questions, people were too scared to glare at me or go on about fucking homophobia.  Mine and Jacks hands were latched together as we walked into form.  Some people looked disgusted but, i knew if they said anything, i could punch them right in the face.  Plus, me and Jack were fine as we saw Mia, Joey and Daniel at the back, smiling at us.

We talked all form about Mia's chances with Melanie and how much it sucked about Joey's and Daniels separate classes

Sean's POV

Time skip - period 1

It was sadly English first.  I didn't like the subject, had to sit next to Amy and Joey hated not being with Daniel.  We all took our seats as we walked in, me rolling my eye's when i saw Amy with her feet up on my chair.  We were all supposed o read this book called Private Peaceful.  Out loud.  When we were finished on it, we had to write a essay about it.

The lesson was fine.  A couple pupils read a page each of the book.  Then it happened.  Miss asked Joey to read.  He looked mortified.  "Joey? Read now!", She demanded when he said nothing.  Joey shook his head as the class snickered.  "Joey! Now!", She demanded.

I felt so bad as he began to read, "B-by 1997, at le-least six civi-civi-civil-ian-civilian? land re-remote sens-sensing sate-satell-sate-llite", He read slowly, his reading was suddenly interrupted by Sam yelling, "Dumb gay boy can even read!", The rest of the class laughed.  I watched as a tear slipped down his cheek.  "Aw, he need his boyfwiend to come and help him", Will snickered.

He began crying as he covered his face.  It wan'st his fault he was born dyslexic.  He jumped from his chair and walked out the class.  I got up myself, following him out.

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