Chapter 50: Nights In The Hospital

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Mark's POV

Me and Jack sat in the hospital talking for hours until 8:57pm as a office Joseph entered the room, following behind the nurse.  "Hello Jack.  I hope your feeling okay", He told us with a smile, "Im just here to tell you that we got all the evidence we needed and your farther has been taken to prison, you wont have to worry about him anymore.  Since your mum doesnt have a husband to earn any money the council will pay your mum each week.  (If u guys dont know, its a thing xD my mum has it herself and thats why sometimes in schools kids get free meals when they eat dinners and they also get their trips payed for lol)

Sean nodded.  "Thank you sir", He told him.  The policeman just nodded happily and walked away, "Get well soon", He told us as he walked out the door.  "Whoa Mark, i-im free", He told me.  "I know you are baby.  Im so happy", I told him as a huge smile grew on my face.  I hugged him close.  "Do you wish to sleep here?", The nurse asked.  "Yeah, thanks", I said as i nodded and began texting my mum for permission.

You: Mum?? Jack broke his rib and fractured his wrist.  Can i stay in hospital 4 a bit?? xx

The creator of perfectness:  Really? How did that happen? 

You: Ill explain when i get home 

The creator of perfectness: Okay, how long?

You: About 3-5 days

The creator of perfectness: Okay, ill drop off any clothes you need and ill get you some dinner from Mc. Donald's okay?

You: Thx mum, yeah sure.

The creator of perfectness: Okay, ill explain to your dad and be there in about 15 minutes, bye love you xx

You: Love u 2 xx

I slid my phone back into my pocket.  "My mum will be here soon with some clothes for me to wear for the next couple of days.  Its a bot weird to be honest, getting ready in a hospital for the next couple of days but i think its alright.  Luckily you have a actual room with a shower instead of some curtains around us", I chuckled.

"Thanks Marky, i love you", He told me softly.  "I love you more", I replied.  "By the way my mum is bringing Mc. Donald's", I told him.  "Yay!", He yelled as i laughed.  

Time skip - His mum arrives

"Hey boys, Jack how are you?", My mum asked as she walked through the door of jacks room.  "I'm okay, thank you", He told her as he smiled at her.  "Will you be able to go to school?", She asked.  "Nope, i think Mark will have to go without me, luckily its Thursday today! So I only have to spend one day without him, which is still a little hard but better than having 5 days without him", He said as he smiled at me.

"Hello Jack, your mum is here to see you", The nurse interrupted as she walked in with Jacks mum behind her.  "Hi mum", He smiled.  "Hi sweetie, are you holding up okay?", She asked calmly as she hugged Sean.  "Yeah, im okay, thanks", He told her as he hugged her back.   

"Hello, im Marks mum", Mum interrupted as they separated from their hug.  "Oh, its a pleasure to meet you", Jack's mum smiled as they shook hands.  "You too", My mum replied.  "Anyway Mark, I need to go.  Your dads not home yet and Dan's by himself.  He's coming in tomorrow to see how Jack is", She told me.

"Okay mum, bye love you", I told her as i hugged her and waved goodbye as she walked out.  "Are you happy that dad has finally gone?", Sean asked my mum.  "I couldn't be any happier.  I wish he was... how he used to be.  I dont know how or why he changed but he hasnt been the loving man i knew since he first started to hit me.  I think you were around three or four a the time.  He didnt hit you until you were five though", She told him.

"Well, im glad your happy, and non of us have to be scared anymore", He said with happiness in his gorgeous sky blue eyes.  "Yeah, sweetie, we dont", She said happily.

Hope u guys enjoeyed it! Its almost ending! The sequel will come out not long after the book ends.  Its not over yet, but a couple more chapters might end it.  Bai beans!

Stay alive and Stay happy

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