Chapter 31: My hero and My lover

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Mark's POV

I angrily walked over to the bleachers.  I was gonna' show this guy who was mine.  I walked over to Jack.  "Hey babe, who's this?", I asked him, as he blushed madly when i called him 'babe'.  To be honest, it was fucking adorable, ugh, how can i stay mad at him?, i thought to myself. 

"O-oh this is Ryan", He told me.  Ryan waved a little as i narrowed my eyes towards him.  "Well.. Nice to meet you Ryan, we gotta go baby".  Again, his face turned a deep red from the word i used.  "Okay, see ya around Ryan", He told him.  I knew that wasn't gonna' happen.  Ryan wont be seeing Jack all that much! 

Just to seal the deal, As he got up, i wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a loving, long and passionate kiss.  It lasted until we were breathless, getting pretty heated when i slid my tongue into his mouth.  Ryan turned a bright red.

He scowled at us and stomped of angrily as we parted.  On our way back to the changing rooms he asked, "Mark? What was all that about?", I just answered plainly, "I just love you".  He blushed and i wrapped my arm around him.  Maybe i should call him baby a bit more, i thought to myself.  "Be right back", I told him as kissed the top of his head and walked of to the changing rooms.  "Okay", He told me as he stood outside the door, back against the wall.

Sean's POV

Whoa, what the fuck just happened.  Because he loved me? No.  Just an excuse.  Then why the fuck did he just kiss me like that, and called me those words that he knew turned me red, but still loved.  I love it when he calls me babe or baby.  But, why? The glare at Ryan, the way Ryan stomped off, i thought to myself, trying to calculate what just happened.  Aw, he's getting jealous, protective even, i didn't even think he loved me that much, or much at all.  I loved him, i will always love him, so much.  I don't think he realised how much i loved him.  But, why was Ryan so angry, no one has crushes on me!

Maybe it was just Mark, who the fuck didn't have a crush on Mark? Most people where shocked he even liked me.  He never liked anyone he dated.  Apparently it's only me that he has given so much affection.  It always sort of shocks my group of friends when Mark is showing any love to me.  They think its adorable, of course.  But.  He was the coolest jock in school, he is now gay, and in love with me, how could he have eye's for someone like me?

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by loud stomps coming my way, loud enough to be more then one person.  Suddenly about 6-7 people stood before me.  Of course, fucking Sam.  This time with more jocks then three.  I backed up against the wall as they walked closer to me, cornering me in as they surrounded me.

"Hey, look guys, its fuckboy! I saw you earlier, snogging your boyfriend", Sam spat. "And! You fucked my girlfriend off!", He scowled at me, just like everyone else, "You know whats coming your way right?", He asked, glaring at me.  I nodded a little, looking down at the ground sadly.  "Maybe, this will teach you not to fucking mess with us or be a faggot! And if your gonna be a fag! Don't go fucking jocks!", Will said as he scowled at me, before slapping me around the face.

That was what started it. The beating.  As i held my face, Sam punched my stomach and punched me in the face.  This caused me to stumble.  I was suddenly slammed down to the hard, cold concrete.  Blood trickling from my nose and now the side of my head as i was slammed to the stone.

It was Tristain.  He was the one to put me down.  My vision was slightly blurred as i was kicked in the stomach by a blurry figure.  Another jock kicked my leg.  I was suddenly put against the wall by Sam, practically choking me as he held my neck against it.  He punched me in the face with his free hand and dropped me to the floor.  He spat on me.  Suddenly i could here a pair of feet running over to me.  I squinted and held myself in a ball on the ground, it was bound to m=be another fucking jock.

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