Chapter 44: Harsh Arguments and Gorgeous Singing

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Sean's POV

Mark sat down on a chair that leaned on the wall of the practise room. He looked kind of nervous and i felt a little bad but i could tell he loved to sing, he just needed to be a little more confident. He began to sing quietly, twiddling his fingers as he did.

"The club isn't the best place to find a lover, so the bar is where i go", He began, singing, almost like a whisper. Gradually getting louder.

"Me a-and my friends at the table doing shots, drinking fast, then we talk slow", He said, only slightly louder.

"You come over and start up a conversation with just me, and trust me ill give it a chance now".

"Take my hand, stop, put the man on the jukebox and then we start to dance", He began getting more and more louder, more comfortable. When he reached the chorus his eyes were closed tighter and he sang louder, still not completely loud, but.. getting there.

"And i'm singing like, boy, you know i want your love, your love was hand made for some body like me, c'mon now, follow my lead, i may be crazy, don't mind me"

His eyes began to slowly open as he looked into my eyes, with a grin as he sang.

"Say boy, lets not talk too much, grab on my waist and rub that body on me, come one follow my lead, c-c'mon now follow my lead, um, um, um"

My heart fluttered as his perfectly gorgeous voice filled my ears. It was so beautiful. Its such a good feeling to get lost in your lovers eyes while they sing to you. So meaningful. Pure. Beautiful. It was just... amazing.

He carried on singing, getting slightly louder.

"I'm in love with the shape of you, we push and pull like a magnet do, and though my heart is falling to, i'm in love with your body. And last night you were in my room and now my bed sheets smell like you, everyday, discovering something brand new, i'm in love with your body."

"oh-I, oh-I, oh-I, oh-I, i'm in love with the shape of you"

(Dont judge the song i randomly thought of x3)

He stopped singing and smiled at me, "Uh, sorry that was so crappy", He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Are you kidding me?", I asked him. "That was fucking beautiful Mark", I told him as i fell into his arms. "Thanks baby", He replied, only making me hug him tighter, burying my head into his neck.

Sadly the bell interrupted our cuddling so we had to get up and walk to our, sadly, separate classes.

Time skip - After school

Finally 3:30 time to fucking leave. The rest of the school day was pretty basic. For once. It was really boring to be honest, except for when Mark sang to me, that was amazing.

We walked out of the school gates, holding hands, as Mia walked with us. Mia seemed to be warming up to Mark a little more. I couldn't be mad at him for what he did to be honest. I know it was his fault but its just too cute how he wants to be forgiven for what he did. When Mia walked into her house i rested my head on Mark's shoulder.

"I love you", I whispered into his ear as we walked. "I love you more", He whispered back. "Fuck off! You know that i love you most!", I replied, giggling a little. He just rolled his eyes and sighed happily, chuckling.

When we got into his house we jumped onto the couch and cuddled each other, watching the T.V for most of the evening. The it turned 5:00pm, that's when we heard the crashing on the door. "Shit!", Mark whisper-shouted as i started breathing heavily. "Get upstairs", He whispered.

Marks POV

I opened the door to reveal a huge and tall, muscular man, standing outside my door. "What took you so long?!", He spat rudely. I wasn't scared of his bullshit, i walked closer to him and growled, "I was upstairs".

"Yeah, yeah whatever kid. I'm looking for a kid about you age. He's got bright green hair", He told me, before mumbling, "Faggot". I felt the anger built up inside of me but sadly had to keep it trapped inside. "Nope. I haven't seen anyone with bright green hair", I lied.

"You sure about that, kid?", He asked as he tried to push his way through the door. I stood in his way and pushed him back. "I'm sorry sir but you have no right to enter my house. And my name isn't fucking 'kid' okay?", I growled.

"Don't start attitude with a stranger who can do powerful things, kid", He replied, a little more anger in his tone. "You don't wanna' know what the fuck i cam do you mother fucker. No! I don't have any fucking clue where the kid your stalking has gone! You fucking creep!", I shouted as i slammed the door in his face.

He seemed pretty mad as he began slamming onto the door. "Oi look, back the fuck off you pussy! I have a little brother and his fucking boyfriend here! I've also got some fucking parents coming home soon, some police that i can call right now and two fucking fists. So i don't think you wanna' try getting into my fucking house, asshole".

"TELL YOUR FUCKING BROTHER THAT HE IS A DISGUSTING FAG!", He screamed. "Bitch!", I shouted back as he walked away from my door, finally. I quickly ran into my bedroom to see Sean. As i walked in he was curled in the corner of the room, slightly rocking back and forth.

Hope u guys liked it! Ill update pretty soom but its 1:30am so i gtg :p

Shout out time:

Nightwolf5567 - This is for voting for all of the chapters on my art book and telling me some rlly kind things! They messaged me and really made me feel better about myself. Thank u so much!

Bai guys! :3

Stay Alive and Stay Happy

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