Babysitting| 41

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"Nyla please get it off of me!"

"I'm trying to warm her bottle, Sebastian."

"But she's drooling on my face!!"

I giggled as I dropped a little of the milk from the bottle on the back of my hand. "Seriously, oh child, ew!"

I hurriedly entered the living room where Sebastian and my next-door neighbors baby Delilah were. Sebastian was holding Delilah as far away from him as he possibly could while she giggled and sucked on her fist. "Sebastian What is she gonna do, gum you to death?" I asked sarcastically. "No, don't be ridiculous. She'll just drown me in her drool."

I shook my head with a smile as I took in the white stain that was on his shirt. 

"I need a shower. That infant regurgitated on me." Sebastian said.

I held back my laughter and grabbed Delilah. "Alright, sweetheart. Let's get you cleaned up."

"Don't worry Delilah. He's just faking his distaste for you." I said as he headed to the bathroom.

After Delilah fell asleep I put her in her rocker and went to make snacks for her and Joel. I cut up some fruits and vegetables for Joel and puréed some fruit for Delilah.

"When are her owners coming back? Why did they even leave her here? Where's the other one, her brother?" Sebastian commented as he appeared in the kitchen

"Her parents had to tend to a family emergency and they didn't have a babysitter. He said he'd be here to pick them up as soon as he could but I told him I could keep them overnight if necessary. Joel is napping in my room."

"You are really good with kids." He replied after a moment of silence. "Eh, I'm okay."

"Always humble."

"I know It's a talent," I responded.

"Do you want any kids of your own?" His question was a little unexpected but I answered without hesitation. "Yes. Maybe one or two. Do you?"

"No thank you." He responded. "Why not?"

He shrugged and looked towards Delilah. "Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course."

"I don't think I'd make a good father." He frowned. "Why do you say that?"

"I'm selfish, narcissistic, and a bit toxic at times. No kid deserves a father like that." He sighed. "The fact that you can even acknowledge that means that you can change those dishonorable traits. You might not feel like that now, but only time will tell."

I lounged around in the living for another hour before the kids were up and playing around again. "When is daddy gonna be back, Ms. Nyla?" Joel asked from his spot on the floor beside Delilah and me.

In the second I'd taken to hesitate, Sebastian took it as an opportunity to reply for me. "We're not quite sure, um buddy. Can I call you buddy? I'm gonna call you buddy. Let's eggs on people from the balcony!"

"Cool!" Joel exclaimed. While Sebastian headed toward the kitchen, Joel turned back to me with a smile and said, "your boyfriends weird, I like it."

I laughed as he followed Sebastian's path to the kitchen. I hadn't thought that they would actually egg people until they came out with hands full of eggs. "Please don't egg anyone!" I called after them. "As they say, Delilah, boys will be boys."

"Thank you so much for This, Nyla. Here, I know it's not much, but I haven't gotten paid yet." Nick, Joel and Delilah's father,  said as I passed over a sleeping Joel. "It's fine, you don't need to pay me," I assured him.

"But I really should this was so out of the blue." He said. "Really, Nick. It's okay."

"If she won't take it, I certainly will. Your offspring vomited all over my Versace." Sebastian intervened as he grabbed the money from Nicks's outstretched hand. I snatched the money from him as he tried to walk away and pushed it back into Nicks's hands. "Seriously it's okay. You can pay me if there's ever a next time."

"You're really an amazing person I can't thank you enough." He said. I nodded as a thank you and shut the door as he walked away. "Why'd you do that?" Sebastian asked immediately.

"Thin walls and attention to detail, Sebastian. He's been having a hard time since his wife left. I'm just happy to help out." I shrugged. "Seriously?"

"Go to bed Sebastian."

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