Bermuda | 65

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Sebastian hadn't taken it too well that I didn't want him to come back that day. But he accepted it anyway. The next day he came back with breakfast and we went to pick up my new furniture. I'd redesigned my entire apartment in a matter of two days and the change made me feel slightly better.

Today, Sebastian woke me up bright and early and told me to get dressed. "Where are we going?" I asked.

We'd embarked on day five since escaping captivity. It hadn't gotten much easier. But he was trying to be there for me and all I could do was appreciate it. All I could do was accept it.

"To see Javier."

I perked up at the sound of that. We drove for a little over an hour before pulling up to a grand cabin overlooking a beautiful lake. It was like paradise out here. I followed Sebastian up the pathway and into the cabin where loud Reggaetón was playing.

I followed the smell of pancakes until we stopped in the kitchen. There he was. Alive and slightly well. Because of his cast, he was confined to sitting while cooking. But he looked as happy as ever anyway. I had the urge to run and hug him but when he turned to me and smiled the image of him in his home bleeding out came to mind causing me to shrink back.

"Javi it's so nice to see you. They told me you died." I said. "Well I did as far as everyone else knows. My funerals next week. Evangeline, Kayla, and Jace are the only other people who know I'm alive." He smiled.

"Has Kayla decided to forgive you? I know she can be stubborn and unforgiving sometimes. " I asked as We stepped further into the kitchen and I took over at the stove. It felt good to do something so domestic after having Sebastian do everything for me for nearly a week. Everything  that he could

"It took her a while to come around but she forgave me. I guess all I had to do was almost die and tell her the truth." He chuckled. "That usually does the trick," Sebastian mumbled.

"Well, she almost hit me. But then she was happy and then she was sad again. She told me I'd have to earn her trust again cause death can really ruin the relationship."

I giggled softly knowing exactly how the words would've sounded coming from her.

"How are you holding up?" Javi asked.

I watched Sebastian step out through the back door and press his phone to his ear before sighing. "I'm dealing. I have nightmares every night but I'm dealing." I shrugged.

"He told me about the Uh—cuts."

"Don't worry about me. I'm going to be okay." I smiled sadly. "What's the plan now that you're dead?" I asked.

"Well there's the reading of my Will and after that, I'm going to my estate in Bermuda for a while." He said. "So you gonna give up all your stuff?"

"Well, technically I'm giving up everything that Javier Velucci owned. Not what Javier De La Rosa owns. I know some people and had it arranged for Javier Velucci and Javier De la Rosa to legally be two different people. Mr. De La Rosa had savings accounts from when he was a child that was constantly being funded." He said.

"What about everything here?"

"It'll all fall into line eventually. Being dead has shown me that I miss having no one know me and having to deal with rumors in the press every other week. I miss my mundane life in a small home. Summer is approaching quickly so I plan to ask Kayla to join me." He smiled. "You finally getting the happy ending away from all this." I pointed out.

"Oh yeah for sure. Hopefully, you do too. Remember do what you feel is best for you right now Nyla. Take some time to think about what's right for you. Get away from all this."


A week later we put Javier's empty casket in the ground and a group of the closest people to him gathered at his home for the reading of his will. It was only four of us.

"On behalf of Mr. Velucci..." his agent began.

"If you're reading this I'm dead. Let me start by saying I love you all. Even you Sebastian. It took me a while to figure out what I was going to leave everyone, and it wasn't easy so don't be butt-hurt about whatever you didn't get. So for Sebastian, I leave all of my weapons.

Evangeline, I leave my Manhattan and my London estate. Evie you've got a bright future and tech was never your thing so I'm also leaving you 8 million dollars to use as you see fit. For Kayla, I leave my cars and a free trip to Bermuda.

Finally to Nyla. Let me just say that you are the best thing that has happened to me and im sorry that knowing me has caused you so much pain. I leave you my legacy. This includes my money, my company and the shares in every company I've invested in. I also leave you my Los Angeles, Seattle, Hamptons, Spain, and Ethiopia estate. What was mine is now yours. You are the only person I believe will lead my legacy in my image and my honor aside from Evangeline."

My jaw was literally on the floor. The man wasn't even dead! Did he seriously just give up everything he worked for. He gave it all up to go live on a beach somewhere with my best friend. "Well, I know who's buying dinner tonight," Eva mumbled.

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