Nvm| 42

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"Okay, I made you something to eat and I put my emergency info on the counter. I'll text you the address of where I'm gonna be in a minute."

"Okay, mom. Who are you going out with anyway?" Sebastian asked with an unimpressed expression on his face. "Just a guy I met."

"What's his name? Where'd you meet him? What's his middle name? Where's he picking you up from?"

I sighed as Sebastian bombarded me with questions as I put my earring in. He followed me out of my room and continued to ask me questions.

"His name is Ambrose, I met him at the wedding, I don't know his middle name, and I told him to pick me up from that cafe down the street."

"Ambrose? I'll walk you to the cafe, so I can get a good look at this guy." He said while putting on his shoes. "Whatever. It's no use in saying no, you'll just follow me."

"Damn straight."

Sebastian and I walked out of the apartment building together. He walked on the side closer to the street and closer than necessary. "There's an entire sidewalk you know."

"I know. I like being close to you." He grinned. "How cute," I replied sarcastically. "I'm serious."

"I'm sure you are," I mumbled. We walked in silence for a bit before he stopped me and pulled me aside so we weren't standing directly in the middle of the sidewalk. "This Ambrose guy...are you Uh dating him? Is this a date?" He asked. "No, We're just getting drinks."

He ran a hand through his hair and sighed heavily. "What's wrong?" Honestly, I expected him to say something out of jealousy. Tell me he didn't want me to go. I wanted him to.

"I just—I don't want you to...I want you to just—it doesn't matter." A prompt frown settled onto my face. I wasn't quite sure where he was going with this but it seemed as if it wasn't the direction I'd hoped. Yet I couldn't explain why. Why I had built up such an expectation. I didn't even like him like that.

"Come on, don't want you to be late."

My chest warmed as he grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him down the street to the cafe. When we arrived Sebastian bought me a cookie and sat with me until Ambrose texted saying he was pulling up across the street. "Please be careful. I put some brass knuckles and a taser in your bag just in case." He said as we stood.

"Thanks. I usually turn my location sharing in for all my friends when I go out. I can turn mine on for you if y-"

"Yes please do that."

I nodded softly and smiled. "Thanks for walking me. I'll see you back at home." I said. I turned to walk away when he grabbed my hand and pulled me into a tight hug. I was surprised at first but I found it in me to hug him back.

"Have fun, I suppose. Not too much fun though."

Ambrose was waiting for me outside by his car with a hat on and his head hung low. "Ambrose?" I called to get his attention. He tilted his head up slightly and offered me a dashing smile. "You look bodacious!" He complimented as he opened the passenger door.

"You look rather dapper yourself."

I expected Ambrose to take me to a crowded bar, but instead, he pulled up to one of the most exclusive and high-end lounges in all of New York. Only the rich and well known Can get in. The bouncer didn't even give us a second glance as he pulled back the velvet rope to let us inside.

The interior looked equally as nice as the exterior. He kept a hand on my middle back as a way to guide me to the VIP area and held his hand up to signal the bartender for drinks. "How have you been Nyla?"

"Great actually. Got a bit going on but I've been well. How have you been? Done any traveling since I last saw you?"

"I've been good. I just visited Mozambique, and I'll be on my way to Madagascar in the morning." He replied. "Early flight?"

"Eh, It's at 7 am. Usually, id be asleep so I can stay up during the ride but I'm only in New York a short while and I had to see you."

"Very charming. What is it that you do that warrants all the traveling?" I asked. "I'm an architect. High profile I guess you could say. Did you attend university?"

"Yeah, I was a science nerd. Still am. The only artistic appeal I have is through my clothes." I smiled. "And the only scientific appeal I have is when in forced to learn about it."

He and I talked for hours. We just sat there drinking and talking. We talked about aliens, pharaohs, drug epidemic, my job, his job, what we want from the future and more.

As we walked out of the building side by side he and laughed as we reminisced on childhood memories. "You close to your sister?" I asked.

"We were...at some point. Sometimes it feels like we're strangers. How's your relationship with your brothers?"

"Pretty good. We've always been close. I haven't seen them in a bit though." I replied and took a sip of the drink I'd been nursing for the past couple of minutes. "Do they live in New York as well?"

"Two Of them do. My youngest brother lives in Miami with my parents."

"I imagine it being tough growing up with all brothers." He said knowingly. "Oh trust me it was. I only just started going out wearing dresses that stop mid-thigh. My older brother Aaron would have a conniption if he saw this dress."

He chuckled but I was so serious. Aaron would've been having a fit. But he's dramatic so of course, he would've. "I'm in dire need of some chicken wings, let's head to that store down the street, Yeah?"

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