Don't Do It| 63

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(Nyla's POV)

I sat up tentatively as the door opened with a bang and a very angry Julia walked in. "How the hell didn't we see this coming?"

"Because you were so fucking blindsided by her!" Julia shouted.

Ambrose and Julia spent the next five minutes at each other's throats before she pulled out her gun and rapidly approached me. She helped the gun up and pressed the barrel to my forehead as she continued to yell at him.

"What the hell are you doing!?"

"He crossed us, so she has to suffer the consequences," Julia said. All I could see in her eyes was emptiness. When Ambrose made an attempt to stop her she aimed low and shot him right in the stomach. I jumped at the sound of the loud bang and watched his body fall to the floor. What had happened to her that made her this way? I didn't believe anyone was born evil, so I began to wonder what trigged this.

I breathed shakily as she turned back to me with the gun. If she could shoot him and Javier I knew for a fact she had no problem killing me. "Sebastian Romano has fucked me over one too many times." She sighed as she readied her lethal weapon.

At that moment it was like time stopped for me. With a gun to my head and my life on the line, I began to wonder what all this had been for. I began to wonder how my life would've been different had I walked into the company across the street from Sebastian's and gotten a job there.

But if I had I would never have gotten to experience two great men. Two great men whose pasts put me in danger. I couldn't blame it all on them. I should've been honest, I should have never trusted Ambrose, and most importantly I should have minded my own business. I guess it was just as much my fault as there's. Although I loved Sebastian, at that moment I wondered if that was the reason why I was sitting here with a gun to my head.

In what I assumed was the final moment I was accepting. This was how it was all supposed to end.

I looked Julia in her eyes fearlessly and then looked over at Ambrose. He pleaded with her to stop but she didn't listen. I closed my eyes as I awaited what I thought would be the most painful and quick experience I'd ever have. When I heard the bang of the gun and splatter of liquid across my face I fell into a state of shock and confusion. There was no pain. Only a heavy ringing in my ears and a sickly warm liquid dripping down my face.

My eyes opened widely and I shook in fear as I watched the blood Pool from Julia's lifeless body on the floor before me. I heard the sound of Sebastian yelling at me. Sebastian? My eyes fell upon him and they flickered to the gun in his hands. The gun, her body, the gun, her body. I looked back in forth as I desperately tried to grasp what had just happened.

When my senses registered, the cuffs beeped and automatically opened. By the time I stood up Sebastian was stood over Ambrose with his gun aimed at his head. My eyes widened as I quickly ran to stop him. Meanwhile, Lourdes had taken up checking the rest of the rooms to be sure no one else was here.

"Don't do this," I begged. "They hurt you." He said.

When he said he'd kill for me I'd never thought he was serious. But at this moment, I knew he was. He was serious as death and it left me uneasy. I should've been appreciative of the lengths he would go for me but it wasn't worth his own freedom or sanity. I wasn't worth it. "Please don't do this."

I pleaded with him not to do it to save himself. But at the same time, I didn't believe that he should kill Ambrose. Maybe It was because of how bad of a state I was in or maybe it was because Ambrose at least tried to make sure I didn't get killed. Ambrose deserved to suffer and he wouldn't if Sebastian killed him. Maybe I'm just stupid. Yeah, let's go with the last one.

"He deserves it."

When his finger met the trigger, I stepped in front of him. "Nyla move!" He shouted. I wasn't protecting Ambrose. I was protecting Sebastian. He may deserve it, but Sebastian would've been in jail for the rest of his life if he did this.

"He deserves to suffer. If you kill him he won't. If you kill him you'll go to jail. I just got you back."

The gun remained aimed at the two of us. I sighed heavily as I reached up and touched the hand he held the gun in. "Please. I love you too much to let you do this." I sniffled.

His eyes remained on his target. "Look at me, Sebastian. Look at me."

When his eyes met mine he slowly but surely began to lower the gun. Tears rolled down his cheek as he crushed me in a hug. "Let's go home."

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