Everything has a price| 52

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I woke up the next morning alone with a raging headache. Before I did anything I called Sebastian. I rubbed my temple as I waited for him to answer and when he didn't I resorted to calling Lourdes. Lourdes, thankfully, answered on the fourth ring. "Hello?" A tired and grumpy sounding Lourdes said.

"Hey Lourdes, It's Nyla. sorry to call so early." I winced. "Nyla? It's 2 in the afternoon."

At that, I hopped out of the bed a little too fast causing me to fall back down from dizziness. "Why do you sound half-sleep then?" I asked as I mustered you the strength to get back up. "I was taking my midday nap."

"Oh sorry."

"It's cool, what you need?" He asked. "I wanted to know if Sebastian was still with you or if you knew where he was."

"Um if I'm not mistaken he's passed out on my hotel couch. He and I stayed up till like 5 am going through all this paperwork and shit but I thought he told you. I'll get him up now." He said apologetically. "Thank you!"

After I hung up, I sent a thank you message to Ambrose and I went to the bathroom to get my life together. Thank God we had no meetings today.

No more than twenty minutes after talking to Lourdes, Sebastian was waltzing into our room like he had a rough night. He had mix-matched socks on, dark sunglasses, a hat, a hoodie that looked about a size too small, and basketball shorts. "What are you wearing?" Was the first thing that slipped out of my mouth.

"I spilled coffee on my clothes before I left so I had to borrow some of Lourdes'." He explained.

"You couldn't text or call and tell me you were going to be gone all night?"

"Figured you'd be too wrapped up with your friend to notice." He mumbled. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked defensively.

"Exactly what I said."

"Don't come in here starting your crap." I sighed. "I didn't."


I chose to sit on the bed quietly and watch tv on my phone as I waited for my headache to subside. "You hungry?"

"Not really," I replied honestly. "Okay, I'm gonna get you a burger with fries and a side salad."

I blinked a few times and stared at him in confusion. "You're right I should get you a milkshake too." He nodded. "I-sir?"

"Cesar salad of course."

I didn't waste any breath trying to get him not to get me anything. I knew he would get it anyway. As he was on the phone with room service, my show was interrupted by Ambrose calling.


"Nyla, darling! I know we already texted earlier but I wanted to make sure you were alright." He mused. "Hey, yeah I'm fine. Bit of a headache but I'm good. Thanks again for getting me in last night."

"Oh no need to thank me. I was just looking out for a friend." He said. "I also want to thank you. Last night was fun. I don't usually have the chance to sit down and relax and have fun with friends these days."

"Any time, Ambrose."

After his name slipped from my lips Sebastian turned and gave me an unreadable look. "I'll hold you to that."

"I'm supposed to be going out with my friends for my birthday next week. You should come if you can." I suggested. "Which day?"

"Next Friday. In New York."

"I should be out there then, but I'll let you know if anything changes. Just text the time and place." He replied. "Will do."

"I have to go my flight is about to take off. I'll call when I land."

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