Its Your Fault|68

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"You're looking at the new and improved Javier or as everyone else will know me, Rico Rosa." Javier mused as he popped his Collar dramatically. "You sure you wanna stay dead?" I asked for the fifteenth time.

"Yes, Im sure. We took out the bulk of our problems but I'm ready to move on and start over and be someone else." He smiled.

"You be safe out there okay," I said. "Of course. Gotta stay in one piece. I just wish I could hug you. When I see you again you better be ready for a ton of hugs." He teased.

"I can't believe you're gonna go." I laughed as I turned to Kayla. "Hey, It's a free trip. Plus I get to work from home during the summer this just makes my vacation even more relaxed."

"Take care of each other, please," I said to them. "Take care of yourself. Don't forget what we talked about. If you feel like it's right, you shouldn't feel bad." She said.

I watched then board the plane and waved vigorously. "What was she talking about?" Evangeline asked.


It had been a week and a half since I spoke to him or seen him. He sent Ben by every day to make sure I ate and constantly left gifts for me at my door. "Oh, right you guys are taking a break. How's that going?" She asked. I shrugged as we walked back to the car.

"He's trying to do what I asked and I'm working up the nerve to see the psychologist my doctor referred me to."

"Jeez. I didn't know it was that bad." She mumbled. "Yeah, I want to do this at my own pace and with a professional."

"Evie, you're not...youre not upset that Javier left his company to me right?" I asked after a moment of silence. "Of course not. I only ever oversaw little operations for him and it's so not my thing. I'm eight million dollars richer, and I trust that you'll steer the company in the right direction." She said.

"Did you talk to Kayla about that though? Since they are together and all."

"Oh yeah, she's cool with it. Very understanding as expected. He also told her that it had been written into his Will way before they showed any interest in each other."


"Yeah. Um, could we stop at Sebastian's building? I have to go pick up some paperwork and the rest of my stuff from my office." I sighed. "Yeah of course."

We drove in silence only really talking about the music. "Do you want me to wait or come in with you?" She asked. "Can you wait here?"

"Yeah, no problem. I'm gonna find a place to park just text me when you're coming back down."

I nodded and hopped out of the car. I was greeted by what used to be my coworkers as I passed them and I realized that I would miss some of them. Even annoying Karen in tech support. I laughed to myself at that thought.

"Hey, Lydia. Is he in?" I asked the receptionist for his floor. "Hey! He should be. I don't remember seeing him leave." She said.


I headed towards my old office and took notice of the fact that my name was still on the door. This must mean Selena hasn't taken over my office yet. Surely she'd been promoted to my past position though. I took out my key and unlocked the door leisurely. I expected to find my things waiting for me with a box sat on my desk. But what I had walked into pulled a different feeling to the forefront. It was a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time.

There he was letting this woman, Selena, push his shirt open while she was sat on the desk with her legs wrapped around his waist. I watched him kiss her in a way he hadn't done to me in a while. her. But I guess that was my fault. The tears pooled in my eyes before I could stop them.

She moaned wildly as he thrust into, and As Sebastian pushed her down on to the desk, as he had once done to me, his eyes flickered in my direction. He jumped away from her as if she burned him and he looked at me with the fear of God in his eyes as he put his dick back in his pants. Selena, my replacement, looked at me with a shocked expression. "Really?" I asked.

"Nyla it's not—"

"Save it." I wiped my eye harshly and I turned to leave. I didn't get far because he was hot on my tail. "Nyla wait!"

I ignored his calls. And I jumped on the elevator before he could reach me. I held it together for as long as I could in the elevator and throughout the ride home. I know I said I wanted a break and some space but I'd never meant to make him think that I didn't want to be with him at all. I told him that I wanted him still. I told him I just wanted space.

Maybe he had every right to go and screw someone else. But that didn't mean that I wasn't hurt. I sat on my couch alone eating ice cream out of the container as I watched corny reality tv. I couldn't help my tears as I watched the show.

My self-pity session was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and closing. I didn't need to ask who it was. I already knew. "I don't have anything to say to you."

"You're not going to let me explain myself?" He asked. I sat the ice cream and turned to face him. "What is there to explain. You were fucking your assistant. Is that just your type?" I asked.

"Oh don't pull that on me. It was simply a mistake-"

"Oh, I'm sure that's how she sees it." I scoffed. He sighed heavily as he tried to smooth all of this over. "It didn't mean anything to me."

"Is that supposed to make it any better?" I asked. "I didn't mean to-"

"What do you mean! Did you slip and fall into her vagina!"

"You're the one who asked for a break."

"I asked you for a break but I specifically told you I didn't want it to be a breakup. All I wanted to be time to myself!" I exclaimed.

"And all I wanted was for you to want me. I wanted you to want to be with me." He argued. "I did!" I shouted.

"I do and that's what makes this even worse. I never told you I didn't want you." I said as my voice cracked.

"Why'd you do it? No scratch that how long have you been doing it?"

"This was the first time, I swear." He said. "Why?"

"I don't know."

"Yeah, fucking right. What exactly happened!?"

"I needed someone and she was there!" He shouted causing me to shut my mouth. He came around the couch and stepped dangerously close to me. "Stop trying to act like the victim here. This is your fault. If you would've never pushed me away and just let me be there this would've never happened." He snarled. His eyes darkened and he didn't even seem like himself anymore.

I furrowed my eyebrows and took a step away from him. "It's my fault?" I asked softly.

"Yeah, it was your fault."

A thick silence passed between us as I thought about what I was going to do next. "We're done. For real this time."

"Good. I was getting tired of feeling guilty."

I scoffed at the sound of that. "Get out."


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