Gone| 58

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"Are you fucking serious right now!" Sebastian yelled causing me to flinch. "Don't yell at her like that!" Javier defended.

"Let's not forget who's in the hospital bed here. How could you not tell us?"

"I didn't want to give you the wrong information. I wanted to get pr-proof first." I said. "You saw the picture of us together and you needed more proof?! All you had to do was tell us."

"I-I wanted to be sure."

What I really wanted was for it not to be true. "The comparison of the photo and him now was how you could've been sure!"

I sighed and wiped my tears with a napkin. "Stop it! Stop talking to her like that. She didn't say anything before but she's telling us now." Javier said.

"You just stay out of this." Sebastian snarled.

"Your explanation isn't adding up. What else have you been lying about? Are you working with them too?"

I furrowed my brows as I tried to get my mind to associate with what he had just accused me of. "Are you fucking kidding me, Sebastian?!"

"Answer the question Nyla."

"No, I'm not fucking working with them you asshole."

"Yeah okay." He huffed. The fact that it sounded like he didn't even believe me made me want to cry even more. "You know what, fuck you, Sebastian."

"Fuck me? Really?"


He was stopped from whatever he was about to say when Evangeline came back in with a tray full of pudding. "I got them to give me a good kind." She smiled. Upon seeing the tense situation she had walked into, she frowned. "Jeez who died?" She mumbled.

"I'm going to get some air," I said.

"Hey don't leave there's air in here," Javier said as I walked towards the door. "I'll be back." I smiled softly before I left the room.

I went straight downstairs and outside. It was quite noisy and depressing directly outside so I walked over to the side and sat on a bench.

I knew I should've told him sooner but I never would've thought my loyalty would come into question. This was all my fault. "Long night?"

My ears perked up at the sound of that familiar voice. I looked over at the approaching figure and stood up to defend myself. "Relax Nyla It's just me," Ambrose said as he came out of the shadows. "Just you? I don't even know who you are." I scoffed.

"You know me Nyla. I know they probably told you all kinds of things about me, but you know I'd never hurt you right?" He asked as he continued to slowly approach. "Stay away from me," I said shakily.

"I'm sorry I can't do that. I need you to come with me."

Upon hearing that I opened my mouth to scream and he quickly covered it. I bit his hand and attempted to run away but I wasn't fast enough. My flight reaction Didn't Work, so u decided to try fighting and I through my elbow now, hitting him right in the jaw. I felt a prick in my neck before my feet felt like jelly beneath me.

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