I'm Sure| 44

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(A/n the picture up top is going to be how a lot of you react to this chapter. *Giggles evilly*)

The first day in my home alone was kind of harrowing. I'd spent a whole week with a roommate, which I hadn't done in years, and I missed it surprisingly. As annoying as Sebastian is, I missed having him over. I missed having someone here to tease and force to do the dishes when I didn't feel like it.

I hadn't realized how much I'd missed having someone else around and spending my days with them so much until now. It was weird. I never thought I'd be feeling this way.

I wondered if he felt that too. That sense of hollowness that I felt because I had become accustomed to having him around all the time.

I walked into my office tiredly from my fairly restless night and jumped in surprise when I saw Ambrose sitting on the couch. "Ambrose? What are you doing here?"

"To see you of course." He smiled. "How are you? Did Louisa let you in?" I asked referring to the secretary in the lobby. Had I not told him where I worked the night we went out I'd be very concerned.


"I'm not really supposed to have visitors, but if you want we can get lunch when I go on break after this meeting I'm about to attend." I offered. "That sounds good. In the meantime, I have some shopping to do."

"Okay, I can meet you at the cafe down the street in about an hour."

"Perfect. I'll see you there. You look stunning by the way." On his way to the door, he kissed me on the cheek and offered me a wink.

I bit back a smile and let out a deep breath when he left. "Nyla!!"

My smile quickly turned into a frown and I hurriedly went to Sebastian's office to see what he was yelling about now. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to see you." He grinned. "I'm gonna go back to my office to prep for this meeting." I huffed.

"No, wait!"

I turned back around to face him with a faux smile. "What do you need?"

He cleared his throat and stood up to approach me. Once he was close enough he took a deep breath and smiled a little. "Can I-erm will you—can we...sorry. I'm normally not this Eh nervous."

I raised a brow and crossed my arms over my chest. I was silently hoping he was about to ask what I thought he was about to ask. "Do you want to maybe...help paint my living room."

The ghost of a smile I had on my face dropped and I sighed a little. "When?"


"Will there be food?"

"Of course." He grinned widely. "I'll be there around 6:30."

"Okay perfect."

When I left his office, I went to mine and as soon as I sat down For meeting prep. However, I couldn't even focus on that because I was too busy thinking about Sebastian. It amazed me how interacting with him could through off my focus even after the interaction was over.


I shivered in my baggy sweatpants and t-shirt as I walked up the path to Sebastian's front door. Hopefully, he'd be to the door quickly so I don't have to stand here for long. I probably shouldn't have left my jacket in the car. I waited for about 30 seconds before I heard some things crashing and what sounded like someone falling. The door opened and a very disheveled Sebastian leaned up against the door frame.

"Nyla! So glad you could make it. Do please come in."

"It smells good, what'd Geoff make tonight?" I asked as I walked inside. "Um, Nothing. I cooked actually."

"And the house is still standing? Wow!"

He feigned a hurt expression and led me through the house. As we passed the living room, I asked, "Where's the paint?"

He'd moved the furniture out of the way and put down protective plastic but there was no paint in sight. "I figured we could eat first."

I eyed him suspiciously but nodded anyway and followed him to his kitchen. "What'd you make?"

"Well I wanted to make something I knew you'd like but I couldn't choose one dish, so I just made all your favorites."

I didn't take him seriously until I saw about 12 well-prepared plates on the counter. "This is actually really kind. Thanks, now I'll have a snack, lunch, and dinner for the next two days." I smiled.

"I've got Calamari with lobster and shrimp scampi, sushi with fried noodles, jerked chicken with plantains and rice, jollof rice with potato greens and chicken, stuffed chicken and pasta..."

I took a seat at the island as Sebastian listed all the meals he'd prepared. "Can I just have some of all of it?"

"You can have whatever you want."

After dinner, we took the party to the living room to finally start painting. "So, why didn't you hire someone to do this?" I asked as we painted.

"Would you believe me if I told you I just wanted to spend time with you?" He asked. "You're not tired of being around me 24/7 after last week?"

"I never get tired of being around you."

I scoffed in disbelief and avoided meeting his gaze as I continued to paint. "It's true."

"We only lived together for a week, let it had been a month and you wouldn't think the same." I joked.

"Oh, I highly doubt that."

"Why do you sound so sure?"

"You love pickles but never on burgers, you sometimes talk in your sleep, your ears twitch when you're irritated, you cook and clean all the time, you're trustworthy, and you'd make an amazing mother. How could I ever possibly get tired of that?" With every word he spoke, he moved closer to me. I hadn't realized just how close he was until I finally turned my head to look him in the eyes.

"Well, I can be really picky with my food, I get irritated when space has been invaded too long, and I can be overbearing. I'm sure you'd get tired of that." I assured him.

He smiled and placed his hands on my waist to pull me even closer. His one hand went to my cheek and I sighed as I leaned into him. "No matter how many annoying qualities someone has, if you really love them, you never get tired of them."

"I'm so—What? Are y-"

"Please just...listen." I nodded in reply and we stood in the same position. "You're so good. Like inexplicably and genuinely good. I don't deserve you and I know that. But I can't stand seeing you with anyone else. I-it...it took me some time to figure out why but I know it's because I love you. I'm in love with you."

I searched his eyes for some remnant of fabrication. I found none. Before I could talk myself out of it, I kissed him. I kissed him softly at first. But upon that first taste, I knew I needed to go in for more.

As the kids got heated he lifted me up and my legs immediately went around his waist. He kissed my neck as he maneuvered around the room. Eventually, we ended up in his bedroom, both of us half-naked.

As he kneeled in front of me on the bed, I stared up at him through hazy, lust-filled eyes. After he threw his shirt aside I sat up a bit to unzip his pants. Just as I reached for the zipper he gently grabbed my hands. I looked at him questioningly.

"I'm sure."

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