Too Little Too Late| 51

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I stepped off the plane wearing large sunglasses and a baseball cap. "Why are you dressed like an A list celebrity getting off of a private jet?" Kayla asked.

"Don't make me hang up on you." I huffed. "Sorry." She giggled. "When are you gonna see your friend?" She asked.

"Uh, tonight. Sebastian doesn't have anything planned so I'll be meeting him at the hotel bar."

"Hmm, And how does Sebastian feel about that?" She asked. I looked toward the camera and gave her a shrug. "I haven't told him."

"Yeah, you better. It'll seem weird if you don't. Even if it is just your meeting with a friend."

"Noted. I'll tell him in a bit. He's kind of moody right now."

"Maybe he needs to have sex." She shrugged. "I'm so glad I have earphones in," I mumbled. "What?! I'm serious. Have you guys done it since the first time?"

"I mean we did somethings. But I don't know. He's been taking a slow and gentle approach at things." I shared. "Well, that's boring."

"But it's so not! He's a sweetheart and I love it."

"I'm sure you do. Stay frosty out in these streets though, Nyla. I gotta go, love you, babe."

"I love you too."

Sebastian climbed into the car a few minutes after I'd hung up on Kayla. "Everything alright?"

"Yes. Don't worry my love." He offered me a weak smile and kissed my cheek. After a few moments of silence, I decided now was good a time as any to tell him about my plans tonight.

"Since we don't have any plans tonight, I'm going to meet up with a friend of mine," I said. "No."

"Sebastian I wasn't asking." I laughed. "I don't care. It's not safe."

"It's my buddy, Ambrose. He and I agreed that we're gonna hang out at the bar or in the arcade or something. It's not like I'm going anywhere far."

"Ambrose? The guy you went on a date with?"

"It wasn't a date. Besides he and I are friends now." I furrowed my eyebrows and tried to figure out why he was making such a big deal out of this. "You can't go. Call him and cancel. You can't trust anyone these days, I'm telling you it's not safe." He insisted.

"You sound paranoid."

"I am."

"What's going on?" I asked. He was way more high strung than usual and it was beginning to worry me. "Nothing Nyla. We're in a different country and the crime rate is high right now. I just don't want you out and about."

"What if you come with me? It'll be fun for both of us and you'll be able to make sure I'm safe." I offered. "I'll think about it."

I looked over at him and rolled my eyes. Think about it my ass. I only invited him to join so I could go. But I'd literally only be going to the hotel bar. It's not like I'd be leaving the building so I wasn't sure why he was making such a big deal out of this.

When we got the hotel, I took the time to FaceTime Ambrose to make sure we were still on and to inform him that Sebastian would probably be joining. "Bella!" He exclaimed.

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