Ms. No name| 5

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(The Carter family up top)

True to his word, Javier texted me 5 minutes after I left the conference room. He really knew how to sweet talk a girl. The fact that he also spoke Spanish and he knew a little Hebrew just made his charm even more effective.

It's been about a month since that day and we have been talking on the phone, on FaceTime, and texting constantly. He would call me when he woke up and text me goodnight. I once mentioned that i was hungry in one of our conversations and he sent food to my apartment.

Today we were actually going on our date. He was going to send a car to pick me up from my place at 9 and I was over the moon excited about it. I was in an impeccable mood and nothing or anybody could mess it up.

"Good morning Mr. Romano! We have three meetings to get to. There's a car already waiting downstairs." I said happily. He just glared at me and nodded his head.

I waited for him to grab his things and we left together. I couldn't help but smile the entire elevator ride and all the way to the company we were meeting with, Tiny Technology Incorporated.

When we got there the driver opened my door and we made our way straight to the conference room. We were greeted by a table full of men. "Ahhh Sebastián, welcome." A Tall man with black hair and a salt and pepper beard.

"Who is the lady?" The man asked. "This is my assistant." Mr. Romano said. "Does your assistant have a name?" The man replied.

"No, now Let's get to business." Mr. Romano said. My eyes widened slightly at how rudely he was behaving. "It's nice to meet you Ms. No name." The man said.

Mr. Romano sat down and I realized there was no empty chair. "Where will she sit?" A man with ginger hair asked. All the men stared at me and the man with the salt and pepper beard smirked.

"She Can sit right on-"

"-my lap." Mr. Romano interrupted. I looked at him like he had three heads. I didn't think he was serious until he pushed his chair out and motioned for me to sit.

"No." I said and shook my head. He went to say something and I glared at him. "I'll take a seat on this thing." I said pointing at a step stool. "Or I'll stand." I added.

The meeting went on for hours and i was highly uncomfortable sitting on the stool. I almost wished I took Sebastian up on his offer. There was nonstop bickering until they finally came to a mutual agreement. I was so thankful for the meeting to be over I practically jumped up.

Everyone in the room shook hands and Mr. Romano guided me out of the room.


When we got back, I had a pleasant surprise waiting in my office. "KAYLA!" I screeched at the sight of my bestfriend.

"Baby girl!" She yelled. I jumped on her causing us both to fall on the ground. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to bring you lunch and I missed you." She said. "Awww Thank you. I missed you too."

"So how do you like the job?" She asked. "I like it so far." I said. "I'm sensing a but."

"My boss can be an asshole sometimes. You wouldn't believe the meeting I just had to sit through before I got here." I said. "What happened?" She asked.

"Well the person we were meeting with was a little Pervy and to make things worse there wasn't an extra chair for me so my boss literally told me to sit on his lap." I explained.

"Did you?"

"Nope i sat on a little step stool." I said. "He could've just let you take the chair I feel like that was just an excuse to have you in his lap." She said.

We talked for about 20 more minutes before she had to go and I had to get back to work.


As soon as the hour hand hit 5 and the minute hand hit 12 on the clock I hopped out of my seat with all my things prepared. I went to Mr. Romano's office to tell him I was leaving and found him standing in front of the windows again.

"You must really love the view." I commented. He looked at me with a small smile before waving me over. I sat my things down and went to stand next to him, nearly gasping when I looked out the window. It was a gorgeous view. You could see the skyline and the many beautiful things New York had to offer.

No wonder he was always staring out of this window. "It's beautiful." I said.

"Much like you." He said. "Thank you."

"About earlier, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just didn't want you to feel like prey in a room full of predators." He explained. "Thanks i guess?" I responded.

He chuckled and shook his head. This has to be the first time I've actually seen something that looked like a genuine smile on his face. "What are your plans for the evening Nyla?" He asked. "I have a date actually." I said.

"Hmm interesting."

"What about you? Any plans?" I asked. "Sleeping." He smiled. I felt my phone ding and looked down to check it. It was Javier reminding me to be ready by 7:30.

"I gotta get going." I mumbled.

He nodded his head and I walked over to get my things. "I'll see you tomorrow Mr. Romano." I said.

"Call me Sebastian." He said. I smiled lightly as I left his office.

I left the building and sped home to prepare myself for my date. I took a quick shower, moisturized and then did my hair. After hair was makeup and then my outfit.

At 7:27 Javier told me he was here. When I got outside, Javier stepped out of the backseat in jeans and a white t shirt that hugged his muscles perfectly while holding a bouquet of black roses. I smiled brightly and skipped towards him.

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