Work Visit| 12

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(Kayla up top)

The following two weeks I spent hella time with my brothers and friends. It was actually pretty refreshing. Tonight I'm going to be introducing Javier to my parents which I really hope goes well. Javier has spoken to my mother on the phone before and so far I think she likes him. It's my dad who needs to be won over.

"Daddy he's a really good guy. When we have dinner just be nice and don't ask him anything too outrageous." I said.

"Okay whatever. But first red flag I spot, im finna have him running out of there like a chicken with his head cut off." He threatened. Even though he wasn't my real, biological father, he always looked after me and treated me like I was his own.

I commend him for that because my mom cheated on him with the man who was supposed to be my father, Rick. My dad stepped in and he held it down for me and Aaron, his actual son, because he knew Rick would never be around for me.

"You are a gift to society, dad." I chuckled. "Nah that's you!" After he said that I heard Sebastian yelling my name. "I gotta get back to work but I'll call you later. I love you."

"I love you too, Ny. Be careful out there."

"Of course, bye." I said. After hanging up I put my phone down and headed into Sebastian's office. "Nyla I need you to run down to international affairs. The very irresponsible person in charge has guests from Israel and he has no one that speaks a lick of Hebrew." SeBastian said with an eye roll.

"No problem, I'll be back up in a few." I said.

After handling the Hebrew situation I briefly considered applying to work in the international department but honestly I think I'd need more qualifications.

"Thank you for handling that." SeBastian said as I entered his office. "Yeah that's no problem. Anything else you need me to do?" I asked.

"Um, can you make reservations at Cote for five this Saturday and reservations at 7:30 at EMP for two. Chose any day next week between Thursday and Sunday." He said. I nodded and noted that in my phone.

"Anything else?" I asked. "I think I'm actually going to head out. Meetings are done and you've done your part. We can get out of here a little early today." He said.

It was only 5 o'clock on a Tuesday. I was normally done by 7 on Tuesdays. I wasn't complaining though. Maybe I'll stop by Javiers building since it isn't that far. "Alright, Im gonna get ready to go. Have a good evening, Mr. Romano." I said.

"You too, Ms. Carter." He said.

After I left work I went to pick up nachos for Javier and I to snack on. I knew he would probably be in his office working out his tech on his own but he most likely hasn't eaten.

When I pulled up to his building, I grabbed the food and put on slides instead of wearing my heels. Upon going inside, I was greeted by the secretary and she asked what my business was. Once I got past her I was in the elevator on my way upstairs.

Unlike Sebastian, Javier's office was on the 10th floor of his 40 story building. The 10th floor is where all the tech stuff was handled and he liked to be hands on. The 40th floor was just a private area only he has access to.

I walked passed several people at there desks and turned down the hallway that lead to his office. I knocked and waited for a response. "Come in!"

I pushed the door open and stepped inside to reveal myself. Javier stopped what he was doing and ran over to me, looking at me like I was a giant piece of candy. "Baby!" He squealed.

"Wow, never heard a grown man squeal like that before." I teased. He rolled his eyes and kissed me on the cheek. "What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Sebastian let me go early and I have nothing else to do until dinner." I said.

"Ohhh, do you wanna help me with this project I'm working on?" He asked as he grabbed the bag from my hand. "Ooh nachos." He mumbled excitedly.

"Yeah let's see it." I smiled.

He led me to his desk and showed me the prosthetic arm he was working on. "Now I'm trying to fix the wiring but the goal is to get the arm working the way a regular arm would. The piece that gets attached to your head is finished, but I can't seem to get the pinche programming right." He sighed.

He sat down in his chair and I sat on his lap angled so that my legs were swung over his and he could see. "Is this just a model?" I asked. He nodded and I let out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank God. It looks like the prosthetic hand I made for my 8th grade science fair." I joked.

"Oh stop it."

I laughed and picked up the hand to inspect the wiring. "Well this blue wire should be attached to this circuit here and not that one. Also you should probably try to make this a little smaller so it isn't as noticeable that it's not a real arm." I said, referring to the area where the arm was open exposing the wires.

"Okay let's head down to the BME's and try this out." He said.

After about an hour and a half we got the arm working as it was supposed to. Javier said it still needed more work but I thought it was perfect and seeing him work and be so hands on with what he distributes was cool.

"You know, I liked seeing that from you." I commented. "What?" He asked.

"Your ability to work hard and try to be as involved in your business as possible." I said. "Thanks, I try to be. I just see a lot of CEO's who just own their companies but don't really know what's going on." He shrugged.

"And, I liked seeing you work too. Watching you tell Billy his wire work was wrong and being all nerdy. Muy sexy, tú sabes!" He exclaimed.

I giggled and pushed his shoulder lightly. "Let's go you butthead. We gotta prepare dinner." I smiled.

Secrets & Lies Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora