Flights| 10

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I woke up bright and early to get my day started. Sebastián and i had 5 meetings to attend today. I was on my way to the bathroom when Kayla called my phone. I smiled and answered it. "Hi Kay! I've missed you." I said.

"Oh really?! Cause last time I checked you didn't even text me back the other day. Where are you?" She asked. She didn't sound angry, just sad.

"I know and I'm sorry. I'm actually on a business trip and I've been really tired and busy. I can't really keep up with my own messages since I'm so busy with my bosses texts and emails." I said truthfully.

"I guess you get a pass. But as soon as you come home you're mine for a whole day." She said.

"Okay." I said with a chuckle. "I'll call you back Nyla, I'm getting a call."

"Aight." I said and hung up. Just as I went to put the phone down My phone started ringing again. This time it was Javier FaceTiming me.

I answered it happily and smiled as soon as his handsome face popped up on the screen. He was still in bed, his hair was messy, and his eyes were kinda low. I could tell he just woke up.

"Buenos días, mi amor." He said. His voice was raspier and my goodness it was sexy.

"Buenos Días." I responded. "What are your plans for the day?" He asked.

"Well I Have 5 meetings to go to and I'm not sure how long they will take or what I'm doing after. What about you?"

"6 meetings, dinner with my parents, and planning for a charity ball." He said. "That sounds fun, but you didn't look very excited when you said you were having dinner with your parents. Considering the fact that you haven't seen them in 3 years I would think you'd be happier." I pointed out.

"My parents are like a different type of annoying and stuck up. They act as if they didn't grow up in the worst neighborhoods of Spain and Brazil." He said with a sigh.

"Some people would rather forget there past and where they come from than be judged based off that. They prefer to act as if they are above what they've done so they don't have to remember it." I said.

"Yeah i guess but i still don't want to see them. I wish you could be there with me." He said. "I wish I could too, but unfortunately I don't get home until tomorrow." I said.

"That's such a long time." He said with a groan. "I know baby but I'll be back before you know it." I said.

Before he could say anything there was a knock on my door. "Babe I'll call you back later." I said.

"Okay, have good day y have care." He said. I laughed as I noticed he was nearing his limit of English. English conversations don't normally last too long with him before he started speaking Spanglish.

"Alright, byeeeeee." I said before hanging up.

"Come in." I yelled. Sebastian poked his head in before coming all the way in. "We will be leaving at 9:30 so hurry up and we only have two meetings today so we will be on the jet to New York right after the last meeting." He said.

"Alright thanks." I said. He gave a short nod before leaving the room.

Now I have to hurry up and get dressed and pack my shit. I quickly cleaned up getting all of my things in the suit case besides what i was wearing today. I quickly took a shower and handled all my bathroom business before getting dressed.

I grabbed my suitcase and hurried down the steps while pulling my skirt down. I adjusted my shirt when I got to the living room, but i halted all actions when he said, "That's What you're wearing?"

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and sighed. "What's wrong with it?" I asked impatiently. "Your skirt is too short." He shrugged and crossed his arms over his chest.

"What—It barely comes past my knees."

"I don't care, I don't like it."

"I—you...Ugh!" I swiftly turned and dragged my suitcase back up the steps to change. I so badly wanted to tell him to fuck off but I get paid too good.

I changed my whole outfit and angrily headed back downstairs. "Much better, lets go."


After 2 long ass meetings I was finally on my way to Sebastian's plane. "I just don't understand why the bald guy kept staring at me." I mumbled.

Sebastian laughed at me and shook his head. "Either you're really humble or you're playing dumb. Obviously he couldn't get enough of your beauty."

"I-uh- thank you."

"He probably noticed that thing you do when you're focused on taking notes. You know when you bite the end of the pen, bend the edge of the paper, and squint your eyes. Or how you ask questions and add your input. Or maybe it's how sexy your intelligence is that had him staring at you like you were heaven sent." He added.

I looked at him in amazement. "If I hadn't told you change, he would've been staring at more than just your face." He mumbled.

It occurred to me that Sebastian noticed the little things I did. I'm not sure if I should be flattered or creeped out. Before I got to embarrass myself by stuttering like an idiot the driver opened the car door. It amazed how this man could be an absolute dickwad one minute and the next he's sweet talking someone. Very much so rich asshole behavior.

I slept through most of the plane ride but I was awake for the last 2 hours. Those were the longest 2 hours I have ever been through. Mainly because sebastian nitpicked everything around him for majority of that time. I couldn't wait to be away from him and with my boo. Since it wasn't really late, I planned on surprising Javier so I had Sebastians driver take me to Javier's house.

We just pulled up outside and i was kind of nervous because i knew there was a chance that his parents were there. "Whats wrong?" Sebastian asked as he placed his hand on my knee.

"Umm, Javier's parents are supposed to be here and there's a chance I might walk into a very awkward situation." I said. "But even if it's awkward they will get over it because they'll turn their focus on how amazing you are." He said.

"I say this in the most respectful way possible but I have to ask, has anyone ever said you seem bipolar?" I asked softly. He looked at me with furrowed brows before laughing.

"If they thought so they'd never say it to my face." He grinned. This man has beautiful teeth. "I should probably be offended but the way you ask is so child like it's comical."

He continued to laugh at me but I was only half way joking. "Alright get out of my car before I actually do get offended and fire you." He threatened with an evil smile on his face. Don't have to tell me twice.

I got out, grabbed my bag from the trunk, and headed towards to front door. Before I got too far from the car Sebastian called out to me. "Take the next few days off of work. Enjoy your off time." He said before the car pulled off.

I turned back towards the house and called Javier. "Hola, mi amor."

"Hey, Javier. What are you doing?" I asked. "Cutting churros. My parents are on their way y estoy nervioso." He said.

"I got something for you to make you less nervous." I said. "I hope it isn't nudes. I do not need a boner right now."

I chuckled at his remark and shook my head at how silly he could be. "No Javier it isn't nudes. Just go to your front door." I said.

"Did you have someone deliver something?" He asked. "Maybe, maybe not." I responded.

He groaned and I heard him mutter "bueno". "I'm going to the door now." He said.

"Okay." I said. Soon enough I could hear the lock turning. "I really want you to just-Nyla?!"

As soon as he saw me he squeezed me in a tight hug. "I thought you didn't get home until tomorrow." He said.

"A few of my meetings got canceled so I got to come home early, and I got a few days off work."

He kissed me before pulling me in the house.

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