72hrs | 62

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(3rd Person POV)

As Nyla waited impatiently in the warehouse they had embarked on the 72nd hour. Julia and Ambrose were already waiting in the lot they requested Sebastian to meet them in. Little did Seb know, they had Nyla locked in a warehouse less than a mile away. Making him work to find her was just a parting gift.

"Can you see everything?" Sebastian asked Javier over the phone. "Yep. There's a car and there's them. No sign of Nyla yet. But there's also no one else there." Javier assured him.

"Here put this little communication device in your ear so we can talk," Lourdes said.

Lourdes would be staying low in the back seat of the car. Sebastian would never obey the request of coming alone. "And what about backup?" Seb asked.

"Your dad has a team of six men tailing you. They'll get in without any of you knowing." Javier replied.

"I'm pulling up."

"Be careful." Javier sighed. "Always," Seb replied.

Sebastian pulled up into the lot and stepped out of the car with a duffle bag filled with money in hand. Seeing both Giovanni-Ambrose, or just Ambrose as Nyla knew him, and Julia standing there alive was shocking to him. It was like the past he so badly wanted to hide had crawled out from the grave and was threatening to take him back to the dark place he was once in.

"Giovanni, Julia." He acknowledged. "Like seeing a ghost no?" Julia taunted.

Giovanni avoided eye contact. He wanted revenge for the abandonment he felt for so long. He wanted revenge for his loneliness. But standing here inches away from it hadn't even begun to feel right because of what he had to do to get here. Who had to get hurt.

"Where is she?" Sebastian asked when he noticed that Nyla wasn't in the car or anywhere else. "She's close. Timer activated handcuffs on her. They'll go off in about an hour. We need time to put space between us before you can get her." Julia said.

"Give me the bag," Giovanni said. "Let me see her first."

"I'm gonna try to track down any locations they could've hidden her," Javier said through the comm in Sebastian's ear. "I guess."

Julia pulled out her phone and tapped around a bit before tossing it to Sebastian. There was a live feed from security cameras on the phone. There she was. The love of his life attempting to get her hands through the cuffs.

"Where is she?"

"Eh, that's for me to know and you to dot dot dot." Julia giggled. "Hand over the money and we leave here in one piece," Giovanni said sternly.

"Sebastian don't give them that money. Give me a few more seconds and....bam I'm getting an emitting signal from a building about a mile and a half away. I got the cameras hacked she's there." Javier said.

"No, I don't think I will," Sebastian smirked. "Tactics on there way in!" Javier said.

"What do you mean no? You must not want your girlfriend back?"

Giovanni's own phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out to check the alert. It was the alarm system they set up. A team of six men on there way in. "You fucking asshat!"

Julia looked at the phone and pure anger courses through her veins. "Your girls gonna pay."

Just as Sebastian reached for his gun Julia tossed a ninja throwing star at him that lunged right into his shoulder causing him to drop the gun and groan in pain. Julia and Giovanni took that opportunity to get out of there with Julia in the driver's seat.

The tactic team made it I time to shoot aimlessly at the car while Sebastian struggled to get to his own car to follow them.

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