Mr. Velucci| 4

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(Disclaimer for all my rereaders, to avoid any confusion, a few things in the story have changed.  Nothing major just minor plot details.)

I made my way to the 50th floor, greeted the receptionist, and went straight to my office. I put my bag and jacket down before grabbing my iPad and the coffee I picked up for Mr. Romano on my way here. Surprisingly it was still pretty hot.

I made my way to his office before knocking on the big brown door. "WHAT NOW!" I heard him shout. I flinched a little, and shook my head. It's literally 8am, why is he mad already?

I cautiously opened the door and poked my head in. He was standing in front of the floor to ceiling windows with his hands tucked in his pockets. "Good Morning Mr. Romano, I got your coffee for you and did you get my email yesterday about the last minute meeting with Mr. Velucci at 9:30?" I asked.

"Yes I got your email, Leave the coffee on the desk, and be ready to take notes in the meeting. It will be held on the 51st floor conference room." He said. I sat the coffee down and waited to see if he needed anything else.

"Do you need anything else sir?" I asked politely. "No, now Get out." He said rudely.

I did my best to stop myself from saying anything about his attitude. I just turned and walked out of his office. I had only been working here a week and I noticed a couple things about him. Firstly he was seemingly always on edge, when we were in public together he seemed so hyper aware and paranoid.

Secondly, he has a lot of tattoos. From what I've seen he has sleeves of tattoos on both arms and a few on his neck and even on the side of his head. Thirdly, he almost always seemed apologetic after yelling at someone but he never verbally expressed it.

What stuck out the most about him was how he had an air of danger or trouble to him. You know how you get certain vibes from people? His attitude kind of just screamed trouble. I'm not sure if it's in a good or bad way yet though.

When it was time for the meeting with Mr. Velucci, I met Mr. Romano right outside of his office and followed him to the elevator with my journal, iPad, phone, and a pen in hand. The 50th floor was pretty much silent and all you could hear was my heels clicking against the floor.

Upon arrival to the conference room, Mr. Romano sat all the way at the head of the table and I sat two seats down on the right side.  We waited a few minutes before Mr. Velucci came in with sunglasses on, a suit that probably costed more than my rent, and a brief case in hand. Sebastian stood and pressed his hands against the table. I took notice in his actions and stood as well with a small smile on my face.

From what I could tell he was a very good looking guy. I just wish he would take his glasses off so I could see his whole face. A wide smile spread across his face when he turned to Sebastian. "Sebastian Romano, it's good to see you old friend." He said.

His voice was deep and his accent was heavy. His head then turned in my direction and his huge smile turned into a smirk as he took his glasses off. "And who might you be?" He asked.

"Nyla Carter, Mr. Romano's assistant." I said extending a hand.

He took my small hand in his large one and kissed the back of it. "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Velucci." I added.

"Trust me the pleasure is all mine," He said. I blushed and let go of his hand before sitting back down.

Mr. Velucci sat across from me and looked towards Sebastian. "Let's get started shall we."

After a long meeting about stocks, share holders, and investments Mr. Velucci agreed to become a permanent partner and investor. After he signed the contract, the three of us prepared ourselves to leave.

I was headed to the door behind Mr. Romano when I heard my name being called. Both me and Mr. Romano turned to Mr. Velucci. "Yes, Mr. Velucci?"

"Can I speak with you a moment?" He asked. I went to answer but Mr. Romano started speaking before I could even utter a single syllable. "Actually we have a meeting to get to, so no she cannot speak with you a moment." He said.


"Nyla we don't have time for this." Mr. Romano said as he grabbed my forearm and cut me off. I looked down at his hand and then at his face, silently questioning his actions. He mumbled an apology and quickly let go.

"It'll only be a minute." Mr. Velucci said to him. "I promise I won't keep her for too long Sebastian." He added.

"Fine just meet me on the 5th floor." Mr. Romano said before walking out the room.

"So what did you need to talk about, Mr. Velucci?" I asked. "Please, call me Javier and I know we've only just met but I would like to take you out sometime."

"Um Javier I'm flattered honestly but I don't know if that'd be appropriate." I said. "How so? Im not your boss, I only own stocks at this company. Let me take you to dinner, get to know you a bit." He offered.

It was clear he wasn't prepared to take no for an answer. " Okay." I said pushing my hair behind my ear. He smiled widely and nodded his head. "Excellent! Just give me your phone number." He said.

He took out his phone and handed it to me after unlocking it. I put my phone number in and he smiled at it. "I will call you soon, beautiful." He said and kissed my cheek softly.

Once again I blushed and nodded my head. "Bye." I said as I walked towards the door.



A/n Im trying to choose a different face claim for Sebastian, so drop suggestions if you have any!

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