Meet The Carters| 13

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"So...Diego, what're your intentions with my daughter?" My dad asked gruffly. Javier's eyes flickered to mine and I face palmed.

"Dad his name is Javier." I corrected. "I know I'm just joking!" My dad said and burst out laughing. Aaron and Cameron laughed as well and everyone else just looked confused.

"Anyway, Javier what do you do?" My dad asked. "I own a tech and engineering company. We make a lot of different stuff, from prosthetics To computer software."

"That's nice, how'd you get into that?" My mom asked. "Growing up I just really liked um..." he trailed off as if he were thinking hard. "¿Como se dice 'construcción'?"

"Building." My mom responded with a bright smile.

"Yes, gracias. Growing up I liked building things, mechanics, and coding. After college I just worked on building my own brand and stuff." He shrugged.

"How old are you?" Aaron asked. "27." Javier responded.

"¿Cuanto tiempo lleva aquí en Nueva York?" My mom asked how long he'd been in New York and Javier took a second before responding with, "siete años."

From there the conversation went in many directions and languages. It seemed as though they liked him. After hearing him answer the questions and show so much respect, I liked him even more than before.

"I don't know how I expected that to go but I'm happy." Javier said as he plopped down on my couch. "Same. I told you, you had nothing to worry about." I said and kissed his cheek.

"Your mom is the best. She's very patient."

"I know right! She used to be a English and math teacher in Puerto Rico, so I guess the patience came from that. But sometimes she can be very pushy." I said. "Oh please! She's far too kind!" Javier exclaimed.

"Yeah, Yeah. Enough about them. Dame un beso." I said. Javier happily kissed all over my face. "Alright!" I giggled.

"You staying the night?" I asked after my laughter subsided. "Do you want me to?" He asked.

I nodded eagerly. "Of course my little muffin." I said. He playfully rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I'm not a muffin."

"But you're my muffin!" I exclaimed. He only chuckled and wrapped his arms around me. "Let's take a bath." I suggested.

"Together?" He asked. "Mhm."

And that's how Javier and I ended up in the bath together. Even though I suggested it, I thought it would be a little awkward but he made it the most comfortable situation I'd ever been in.

I leaned back against his chest and tilted my head back a little so I could see his face. "You Okay?" I asked.

The expression on his face seemed a little...disconcerting. "Yeah, this is nice." He smiled softly and kissed my temple. "I know, I've never done this before." I mumbled.

"Really?" He said and tried to wiggle his eyebrows. I burst out laughing at his failed attempt and he just smiled while he looked at me. "Yes really." I said.

"Well then...I'm glad I could be your first." He chuckled. "Yeah me too babe." I smiled.

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