Chapter 40: A Family Reunion

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They found him marching through the halls of Oderus, eyes firmly planted on an un-seen destination. He did not notice the Goblins until they blocked his way with their spears, only then did Harry speak. "Get out of my way."

"That is not possible Mr. Potter." The first Goblin uttered. "Lord Ragnok has requested your presence immediately."

Harry shook his head as he tried to move forward but the spear continued to block his way. "I need to find Luna."

"Ragnok has news on the girl." The second Goblin replied solemnly.

Less than an hour later Harry stormed into Ragnok's office where the Goblin Lord was waiting for him. "Where is she? Where's Luna?"

Ragnok sighed tiredly. "A squad of Goblins found her in the forest outside her home. She appeared lost and confused, but her magic has clearly returned to her. Unfortunately she fled the squad, burning much of the forest in her wake."

Harry frowned. "That doesn't sound like Luna, why would she just burn the forest down."

Ragnok grimaced, "A poorly worded order I suppose. I wished to speak to her and the Goblins tried to use force when she refused to cooperate."

Noticing Harry's glare the Goblin raised his hands. "No harm has come to her by Goblin hand I assure you. I only wished to speak with her about her power and ways we Goblin's could help her."

"Why not mention this at the Battle of Hogsmeade?" Harry asked with a calmness that seemed to unnerve the Goblin.

"I was not aware that the girl could regain her magic, however recent developments suggested otherwise." Ragnok replied with a grunt. "I spoke with your friends Granger and Weasley earlier, they gave me the necessary information but were keen of making sure they said nothing that would betray your trust."

"They're good friends, loyalty is very important to us." Harry replied.

"Humans," The Goblin muttered under his breath before speaking quietly. "So did you tell your friends about Lovegood's parentage?"

"I didn't think it...I beg your Pardon?" Harry asked with disbelief.

"Or did they honestly not know? I'm certain that after meeting her you would've found out by now." Ragnok replied with grin.

"I...You knew this whole time?!" Harry shouted with anger as he rose from his seat.

"How could I? You just told me." The Goblin cackled before noticing Harry's glare. "Sit down Potter, I only began to question the possibility while I spoke with your friends. I must admit this raises some problems but as it stands, it is probably for the best."

"What do you mean for the best? Do you have any idea what she is going through right now!" Harry hissed as he backed away from the Goblin's desk.

"More than you do Potter, the Minister will want her alive, otherwise she would have been dead already." Ragnok growled before calming down. "Harry...I lost five Goblins in those woods. They were attacked by a horde of Dementors. The horde found Luna understand Potter."

Ragnok got up from his chair and stood on his desk. He walked up to Harry and staring him in the eyes. "The Totalitar have her now."

Harry felt his knees give out on him as he landed back in his chair. Harry seemed to keep falling, his mind filled with a storm of emotions, mostly horror and then grim determination. "No...I have to help her. I need to save her!"

"As do I Potter. We need to invade the Ministry of Magic if we are to do this. Now I gathered from your friends that you have experience in breaking into the Department of Mysteries." Ragnok asked with a glint in his eyes.

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