Round 70

694 44 30

Oooh! look! It's a star! Someone PRESS it!

✔︎ Commenting time frame (CST): 1/27 - 2/05

✔︎ Moderator: swiftiegirl1010


Remember, you must address the comment topic, but you can select two out of the three Authors' questions to answer.

Our fellow NBR member wrightstory has published an interview with another talented member of our community, . Go check it out in her book, Interviews with Writers Big and Small on Wattpad!  

Also, take some time to check out ThatGreyGirl's great prompt in the November prompt challenge chapter! You might just be amazed by the talent we have here on NBR.

Comment Topic: The depth of the characters is probably one of the most important things to think about while writing a story. Comment on the elements that help or hinder the complexity and dynamic of the protagonist.

Comment Tip: Remember folks to provide insightful examples along with your suggestions. For instance, if there is a consistent grammar error in a chapter, like a missing comma in sentences with similar structures, point that out and SHOW them HOW to correct it. 

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Author #1: MoonLoop

Book Title: Lacunae

Spotlight Chapter: Chapter 3

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Spotlight Chapter: Chapter 3

Summary: Aula Reed is part of an international crew of astronauts on the Moon. Together they face the daily challenges of living off Earth. One of those challenges happens to be a broken toilet that, through a series of plumbing failures, now blocks an airlock. While on this important if ignoble task, her past begins to catch up her. The first astronauts to walk the Moon in 67 years died nearly a decade ago and that anniversary overshadows Aula's life like nothing else. She is one of two survivors of that mission and finds that the Moon holds onto its ghosts more tightly than Earth.

Author's Note: 

- How are different parts of the chapter working (or not working) together?

- Are there any parts where the word choice, symbolism, imagery, or emotion is overbearing and/or repetitive?

- I'm assuming people will know a bit about space exploration if they're interested in this story, but are there parts that come across as too over explained or not explained enough? 

I know we're all tired of hearing gratitude at this stage, but Imma do it anyway. Big thanks to NBR for doing this and for all of you for lending your particular set of editing skills to my draft. Enjoy your weekend!

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