Chloe's 1st Birthday

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Phoebe's P.O.V.
Today is Chloe's first birthday and we are going to have a big birthday party.
I bought a big pink birthday cake for her and Marshall got her a surprise gift that he won't tell me about so I'm a little worried.
Eminem's P.O.V.
Today is Chloe's birthday and I got her a pet tea cup pig. Phoebe doesn't know about this so I'm hoping she won't get mad at me.

Hey Chloe it's your birthday today I tell her. "Yay!" she cheers. All of a sudden Hailie and Whitney run down the stairs yelling happy birthday to Chloe. Whitney picks Chloe up and says "hey birthday princess do you want to eat some cake and open presents?" "Cake!" Chloe yells. Phoebe starts laughing. Cake it is then I say.
We go into the kitchen and I cut the cake and I serve Chloe the first piece. I take a picture of her as she digs into her cake.

Okay time for presents. Phoebe gives Chloe some clothes and a new stuffed animal. Hailie and Whitney saved their allowances to get her a stuffed animal as well. Now it's time for my gift, I walk outside, I grab the pig and I bring it inside. "Piggy!" Chloe yells. "Oh my gosh Marshall" Phoebe says looking at me wide eyed. Uh oh I think she's mad. "Marshall can I talk to you in the kitchen for a minute" sure Phoebe I say nervously.
We walk into the kitchen and Phoebe looks at me and sighs. "A pig Marshall, really?" I thought that it could be a special birthday present for her since she loves pigs I say. It won't get any bigger than it is. "You should have talked to me first" she says sounding slightly angry. Do you want me to take it back? I ask. "No Marshall I don't, I'm not going to make you do that to your daughter." "Honestly I just wish you would have talked to me" I'm sorry I say sadly. I just wanted her birthday to be special. She looks at me sympathetically and then she smiles. "I know you did and you did a wonderful job" she says and then she hugs me. "Let's go back to the party" and she takes my hand leading me back to the living room.
"What are you going to name your pig Chloe?" Phoebe asks. How about bacon? I suggest. "Daddy no!" Whitney shouts "that's mean." "Bacon" Chloe says laughing. "Look what you did daddy" Whitney says flashing a glare at me. "Chloe baby we're not going to name the piggy bacon daddy's just being silly" Phoebe tells her. Chloe makes a sad face at Phoebe. "Pinky" Chloe says. That's a good name Chloe. "Alright Pinky it is" Phoebe confirms.
Whitney's P.O.V.
Chloe is so adorable and I'm glad she's my little sister. I'm also super excited that daddy got a pig.
Hailie's P.O.V.
Chloe is beautiful and growing up so fast. Gosh, she's a year old now. I'm not only watching Chloe grow up but I'm watching Whitney grow up too. *Ring Ring* my cellphone is ringing. I look at the caller id and I see that it's Kevin.
Hey Kevin what's up? Hi Hailie I'm calling because I wanted to make sure that you have a dress picked out for homecoming." Oh yeah I do it's really pretty too. "Alright well cool, I'll see you at school. Bye Hailie." Bye Kevin.
Eminem's P.O.V.
Hailie just got off the phone with someone.
Hailie who was that? "That was Kevin" Oh... what did he want? "He was just wondering if I had my homecoming dress picked out." Oh yeah that's coming up isn't it? "Yeah it is and I'm super excited, I mean I'm nominated for senior homecoming queen." My little princess... I mean my little queen. I say smiling at her.

Chloe do you like your piggy? "Yes!" Chloe says clapping her hands and jumping up and down.
Well I think she had a good birthday.

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