Whitney's Junior High Graduation

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Phoebe's P.O.V.
Today is Whitney's last day of junior high and her school is holding a ceremony and after the ceremony I'm taking her and Chloe out for a girl's day.
Me and Marshall are both going to her ceremony and Chloe will be at school.

"Marshall can you come downstairs for a minute!" I yell up the stairs.
"Coming!" he yells back.
He walks down the stairs and smiles, "what's up Phoebe?"
"I found something you've been looking for" I tell him.
"Really, what?" he asks curiously.
"Close your eyes" I tell him.
He closes his eyes.
I found his red kangol hat that he's been looking for. He's been wanting to wear it but he's had to wear his other colors.
I take the hat and I place it on his head. Then I kiss him on the cheek.
"Open your eyes" I say.
"You found my hat" he says excitedly.
"Thanks" he says and then he picks me up off my feet and hugs me.
"Your welcome" I say smiling, now you can wear it to Whitney's ceremony."

Whitney and Chloe run down the stairs with their backpacks ready to go.
"Okay Whitney, me and dad are going to drop you off at school and then we are going to drop Chloe off at school, after that we will make our way back to your school for the ceremony" I tell her.
"Alright sounds good mom" she says.

We dropped Whitney off at her school and now we are on our way to Chloe's.
"I'm excited that Whitney is going to be in high school" Chloe says.
"Yeah me too" I say.
"What is high school like Marshie?" Chloe asks.
"Well..." he starts and then laughs nervously scratching the back of his neck.
"It's okay" I tell him.
"I didn't finish high school" he says.
"Oh" Chloe says sounding confused.

We arrive at Chloe's school and Marshall walks her inside.
A few minutes later he walks back over to our car and gets inside.
"I think Chloe has been a little quiet lately" Marshall says.
"Chloe has always been fairly quiet" I say.
"No I think this is different" he says.
"Well I can talk to her today on our girls day" I tell him.

We are back at Whitney's school.
Marshall opens my car door for me and holds his hand out for me to take.
"Thank you" I say sweetly.
"You're welcome" he says and then hugs me.
"You're so warm" I say sighing.
"Phoebe that's kind of creepy" he says looking at me funny.
"Sorry" I say a little embarrassed.
"Don't worry it's cute" he says.
"Come on let's go" I say and I grab his hand and I lead him towards the school.

Whitney's P.O.V.
The regular school day is over and now the graduation ceremony is beginning.
Me and all of the other kids line up on a stage. This is a similar setup to what Hailie's high school graduation was like.
I see both of my moms and dad in the crowd and dad has a video camera in his hand.
I wish Hailie and Alaina could be here but they both have college things that they have to do.

Finally it's my turn for my name to be called.
"Whitney Laine Mathers" the principle says.
My parents clap and cheer for me and it feels so good.
Eminem's P.O.V.
My princess is in high school now.
Sometimes I wish I would've finished high school but it's way to late to go back now.

Phoebe's P.O.V.
I just picked Chloe up from school and Whitney is with me. We are on our way to get dinner together.
Marshall is at the house hanging out with Nathan, they're having bro time.

"So Chloe how have you been doing?" I ask.
"I'm okay" she says.
"Are you sure sweetheart?" I ask.
All of a sudden I hear Whitney sigh from the backseat.
"What's wrong Whitney?" I ask.
"I'm sorry Chloe I have to say something" Whitney says.
"No Whitney you promised!" Chloe yells.
"What's going on Whitney?" I say sternly.
"Chloe has been being bullied" Whitney says.
"What" I say shocked.
"Chloe why haven't you told me or daddy about this?" I ask.
"Because I'm not supposed to tell you and I thought you would be mad." Chloe says.
"Aww sweetie we could never be mad at you for that in fact we want you to talk to us about these things, and who told you that you're not supposed to tell?"
I say.
"The bullies" Chloe says simply.
I decide that I'll drop the subject for now so we can have some positive girl time together, but I'll have to talk to Marshall about this later.

"So where do you girls want to eat?" I ask.
"Can we go somewhere that serves Chinese food?" Whitney asks.
"Yeah that sounds good actually" I say agreeing.

We go to a Chinese restaurant and we eat and talk and then we get our toes done. I get a light blue color, Whitney got a red color, and Chloe got a sparkly light pink color.
After our toes dry I drive us home.

"Alright girls grab your backpacks and head upstairs to bed I tell both of them.
"Okay" they both say together.

"Hey Marshall did you have a good time with your brother?" I ask him.
"Yeah I did" he says happily.
"Well that's good" I say and I kiss him on the cheek.
"So I talked to Chloe" I say.
"Oh yeah, what did she say?" he asks.
This is going to be a hard conversation to have with him, I think to myself.
"Well supposedly Chloe has been being bullied at school and she's been a little upset about it" I tell him.
"WHAT!" he yells.
"Sssshh not so loud" I say.
"I'm going to make an emergency teacher conference meeting with Chloe's teacher so we can talk about this" I tell him.
"It's just that I was bullied really bad when I was little and I don't want Chloe to go through the same thing" he says sounding very upset.
"I know sweetie" I say while hugging him tightly.
"We'll get it figured out, I want her to be okay too."

We both lay down on our bed, I lay my head on his chest and he wraps his arm around me. I close my eyes and fall asleep to his sweet heartbeat.

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