3 - friday night

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over only a couple of days (2 weeks), jungkook and taehyung had grown quite close. almost every night, they'd see each other at jungkook's, studying and then they'd listen to something. yoongi had even gotten used to taehyung's frequent visit and had slightly warmed up and even developed a soft spot for the boy. as long as he wasn't taking away jungkook during their usual friday nights, then there was no problem.

they held hands when they saw each other at school and taehyung had picked up the habit to wait until he had walked jungkook to his classes to leave.

namjoon was still not convinced though. he really doesn't believe i could date jungkook, that asshole. it was true that jungkook and taehyung hadn't yet confirmed that they were official, but they were dropping a shit ton of hints all. the. time. the entire school thought they dated, jeon jungkook was a fucking celebrity here after all, of course, everyone would know about his love life as well.

although they mostly hung out at jungkook's, they went at taehyung's a couple of times but taehyung had declared he preferred jungkook's appartement. he said something over there felt like home. jungkook decided not to question it.

sometimes jungkook came back to the appartement to find taehyung on his couch. he had freaked out at first before he understood taehyung hadn't broke in but yoongi opened the door.

on thursday night, when he came back exhausted from his finance course, he was greeted by taehyung, sprawled on the couch, phone in hand.

"tae, you do realize you have your own house, which is by the way, much nicer than mine, why do you hang out here even when i'm out?" jungkook sighed, throwing his bag on the floor. taehyung didn't even looked up from his phone, chuckling at the younger's comment.

"yeah, but the boys are hanging out at mine and i told them i was going out on a date with you so i'd avoid them."

"isn't jimin starting to miss you? you've literally been here for the past two weeks or so." jungkook tilted his head to the side.

"nah, he's good. we see each other the entire weekend plus, we share classes at school. and he's absent most of the time too. don't know where he goes, though."

jungkook hummed before switching back to their initial subject.

"so now, you're using me for money and to avoid your friends?"

"well, yeah. plus, the money thing, you agreed and you get your fair share of it too."

"yeah, but we have to act all cute and shit around your friends, it's weirding me out. when we get our money, i swear to god, we fake break up and say we'd rather stay friends alright? like a big dramatic scene with tears right in front of your friends so they believe us, cool?" the younger said, and he hoped the tone of his voice wasn't showing how much he actually liked it,

taehyung hummed as well, almost disappointed that their fake relationship would have to end someday.

"by the way, how long do we have to last as a couple?"

"hum, at least a month."

"a month?! how long have we been together for so far?"

"honey, 2 weeks, and they don't even believe we're properly dating yet, you better fucking get used to it."

"you said it's a lot of money right?" jungkook sighed, flopping onto the couch, his legs resting on taehyung's laps.

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