22 - domestic argument

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so i got sick of writing so much fluff so i'm back with loads of swearing (i'm sorry sensible soul, it's really not that bad though) and terrible jokes (but no angst, you guys are safe for now)

it had been an entire week since jungkook's mental breakdown and wow, they really were moving in together. their stuff were packed, taehyung had boxes ready, they already called up a moving truck for some of the furniture either taehyung or yoongi wanted to keep and even fought with yoongi to settle who would keep the table. turns out yoongi got to keep it and now jungkook and taehyung had had to order a table online from ikea.

sure, jungkook was still slightly nervous but taehyung was so understanding, he wanted to put all his trust on him and forget about any doubts he ever had.

the four of them had all set an alarm clock at 7 in the morning, even yoongi, on saturday morning and that's when it would've been official; the roommates would have been swapped from household.

honestly, as happy as they all were of this change, they all felt somewhat a little sad about it. of course, it was a temporary sadness but taehyung couldn't help but think about how he'd miss singing awfully loud and dancing in the entire house with jimin when they were both really tired at three am in the weekends. and jungkook would really miss yoongi and his friday nights and the rap battles they did at the most random occasion; to decide who'd have to get the trash out, do the groceries, who would get the last bowl of cereal. but they'd be alright. the change was worth it all. and they'd be able to grow new memories all together.

it was saturday, 5 in the morning, and jungkook's eyes were widely open. he still had two hours to wait but he couldn't sleep. usually, he would've just cuddled closer to taehyung and fall right back asleep but taehyung was spending his last night at his own place and jungkook was alone. he took his phone from the nightstand and quickly sent a good morning text at taehyung. a minute later, taehyung was calling him.

"hey honey. can't sleep?" his sleepy voice asked and jungkook smiled.

"no. i'm just... really excited."

"hey, so am i. but you need some rest, we have a big day ahead." the younger could almost see the exact look taehyung had on his face. that caring smile of his that always succeeded to make jungkook's heart melt.

"you're not feeling too sad about moving out of your house?" he asked instead. taehyung chuckled at how the younger didn't want to hang up.

"just a little. but i'm happy i'll get to be around you all the time. and this is possibly one of the most simple moving out i ever lived through. since we're exchanging places, sort of, and we're not moving every furniture, it's great."

"yeah. sucks we lost the table though." jungkook sighed.

"to a game of rock paper scissor." taehyung added and the other could only laugh. how ridiculous was it to lose a table to a simple game of rock paper scissor?

"i thought... maybe i could cook something tonight. to sort of celebrate us moving in together." jungkook said silently, with a shy blush on his cheeks.

"oh, great idea, burn down the apartment my first night in?" taehyung said mockingly and the younger scoffed.

"you're an asshole. plus, i am a much better cook than you, please."

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