15 - thunder and goodbyes

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jungkook was feeling gloomy. yeah. gloomy was the word. ever since the one month anniversary disaster, only a night had passed, and jungkook felt terrible and empty. he missed waking up to taehyung knocking on his door at seven in the morning, barging in with a 'hey there sunshine' and he had only lived without it for a day.

something utterly ridiculous about love, jungkook had realized, was that no matter how long you have lived without it before, it was terrifyingly painful living without it after.

he sighed, rubbing his eyes, standing up from his chair to serve himself a second cup of coffee. he was already dressed to leave but all he really wanted to do was go back to bed and curl himself up in the blanket and never ever leave. maybe he could pay yoongi so he'd bring him his meal every night? meh. yoongi would probably do it anyway.

someone knocked on the door and jungkook jumped out of his chair to open the door. "jimin?" he said, a flash of disappointment crossing his face without him helping it. jimin smiled lightly, almost with pity.

"i'm sorry i'm not him... can i come in? i was supposed to get yoongi for a breakfast date this morning." he explained and jungkook nodded, letting the boy in.

"do you want something to drink? hmm, a cup of coffee or something? i think we have tea and orange juice somewhere."

"no, i'm okay, thank you. erm... how are you feeling?" jimin asked, and jungkook was torn between wanting to slap that look of pity away from his face or answer truthfully and bawl his eyes out.

"i'm okay. thanks, hyung. yoongi should be awake, if you want to go see him now. knowing him, since you guys had something planned, he must've been ready for more than an hour now." he said and jimin chuckled.

"okay, thanks. and if there's anything..."

"i know where to find you." jungkook completed with a fake smile that made his cheeks hurt. jimin smiled back and walked to yoongi's room, getting in with a 'hello love', that only made jungkook miss taehyung's presence even more.

he sighed, passed a hand on his face and put on his coat, getting out of the apartment. the cold hit him right in the face but somehow his heart was the only thing feeling cold. he sighed dramatically again looking into the horizon.

i am becoming such a fucking drama queen. he thought to himself, but he couldn't stop himself from feeling sad. he wanted taehyung. he could've lived with what he had, a fake relationship, a great one, ignoring what taehyung had said, ignoring that hey, his feelings might not have been reciprocated, and it was alright, but he didn't. what. an. idiot.

to be fair though, it did hurt a lot, when the boy you love reminds you he's been using you for a bet all along. jungkook ran a hand through his hair, fastening his pace. he arrived at school, just in time for his first class.

it was a miracle he hadn't met taehyung on his way.

the older boy was currently in class as well. honestly, his morning had been just as horrible as jungkook's had been. if not worse.

first, he had woken up with an hangover and a really bad back pain as he had slept on the couch. second, it had taken him a few seconds to remember what had happen the day before to feel sad again. and then, his shower broke, and now he was dirty and sad and the only thing that was slightly positive was that the tears he had shed this morning moisturized his face a little.

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