26 - pigs and unfortunate accident

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about a week later, it was settled, taehyung and jungkook were expected to go at the farm and enjoy a dinner in the fresh air of the country. and they were expected this very morning.

honestly, jungkook didn't have a reason to freak out. it would be just fine, really. he had already met taehyung's family and they were all angels. maybe it was because he's seen them a while ago, and never came back since. what if they were angry?

he was sat on his bed, shirtless, waiting for taehyung to come out of the shower and tell him what the fuck was he supposed to wear at a farm and all he could possibly do was think about everything that could go wrong. what if taehyung's parents asked him to go look for eggs or something? he was afraid of fucking chicken! that only happened in movies right? no one in their right mind would ask an innocent boy to go take eggs from the henhouse, right?

he ran a hand through his hair, messing them up ever so slightly until taehyung finally got out of the shower. jungkook literally jumped off the mattress. "what am i supposed to wear?"

taehyung chuckled, drying his hair with a towel. "you have any overalls?"

"i absolutely need them?" jungkook grimaced.

"no... i just think you'd look absolutely adorable in them." the older shrugged, letting the towel rest around his neck. "but really, although it's a cliche, it would be ideal. you'd be more comfortable."

"hmm." jungkook said before grabbing both sides of the towel and pulling taehyung closer to kiss him tenderly.

"you nervous?" taehyung muttered against his lips.

"only a little." he smiled. "i'm mostly excited." he added, pressing a last kiss on his boyfriend's lips before walking away. a few minutes later, he came back in overalls, a white shirt underneath and a shy smile on his lips. "do i look okay?"

"you look lovely. and my parents already love you, you should know that by now."

"yeah... but they've only seen me once, and it's been so long what if they remember someone else and they're disappointed?" jungkook asked, pouting and taehyung chuckled softly. "trust me, you're not someone people usually forget about... if you're ready to go, we should get going by now, it's about an hour long drive."

"sure." jungkook said although he was far from being sure. the drive was peaceful, they played i spy until there were almost no car around, only the landscape to admire, dreaming about a life where they'd live without a thing to worry about.

eventually, they arrived, and jungkook refused to get out of the car, which had taehyung getting out and practically throwing him over his shoulder, failing miserably, the younger being much bigger than he was. "come on..." he murmured softly. "it'll be just fine. my sister is here as well. she's excited to see you."

"not too disappointed that jimin isn't here?"

taehyung chuckled in return. "a little, but she'll settle down to you." he said. "i'm kidding, come on, they're waiting for you. they're really excited."

"woah. too much pressure." jungkook said before unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car.

taehyung's family house was adorable. jungkook couldn't believe the first time he came, he hadn't realized there was a farm right next to the small house. it looked exactly like the kind of houses you'd see in a movie, trees surrounding it, a beautiful garden, yellow outdoor walls; adorable.

jungkook hesitantly looked at taehyung as they neared the door and he knocked as his boyfriend gave his hand a gentle squeeze.

he was welcomed by taehyung's mother who had a warm smile on her face. "ah! jungkook! we were wondering when we'd get the chance to meet you again!"

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