ending note

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i spent two days procrastinating to upload this, reading all of your comments and this entire thing once again and oh my god, i'm making such a big deal out of it but thank you so much for your support, i started out as a really insecure writer and now although i still have insecurities i feel much happier to know that some of you enjoyed what i wrote.

if you are actually reading this note as well, it means an awful lot more to me too.

this has been a real rollercoaster to me, honestly, i've written this in bad times as well as in good times and for some reason, writing this was the only thing that made me feel like myself? the sarcasms and the stuff i described made me feel stuff that i actually felt, like these feelings belong to me, like they haven't in a while.

and i know, maybe it's unrealistic they got married so young and that they'll stay happy forever but you know what, i don't give a single little shit whether it's realistic or not, they've had a more than two years solid relationship and they deserve their happy motherfucking ending. i'm sorry.


so yeah. thank you all very much for contributing to my happiness and making me smile with kind comments and even people who write on my message board, i'm eternally thankful.

okay, this really isn't that big of a deal what am i doing with myself, i am sorry if my dramatic words are annoying you, i feel annoying, i'm sorry.

anyway, yeah, i love you all, and if any of you feel like hitting me up, don't be shy!! i'm friendly!

a girl who has too many emotions at the moment
and who loves you all very dearly


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