17 - friends concerns

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"taehyung! you better fucking open up or i'm breaking in!"

it was sunday late afternoon. taehyung had not gotten out of his room the entire weekend, and jimin doubted he even ate anything. he was starting to get worried. taehyung had never been so miserable, and definitely not for someone. jimin had not heard much about the breakup and what happened afterwards but according to what yoongi was saying and the small glimpse of jungkook he had caught when he went to his boyfriend's apartment, the younger was in a pretty bad shape as well.

"with your 23 centimetres shoulders?" taehyung scoffed. "let me laugh."

"you're a fucking idiot. let me in or i'm climbing up the window." he threatened again and taehyung shrugged although he couldn't see him.

"suit yourself." he heard jimin groaning outside his door and walking furiously before his footsteps were too far to be heard. honestly, at the moment, taehyung didn't want to see anyone. he wanted to spend his day crying in a foetal position and be left alone. he wasn't hungry, he hadn't sleep for three days, he just wanted peace.

for some reason, as soon as he heard loud chattering outside his window, he knew he wouldn't get any. he walked up from his bed, not even caring about what he looked like, looking through his window.

"you actually brought a fucking ladder? since when do we even have a ladder?!" taehyung shouted at jimin who smirked.

"borrowed it from our neighbours. now shut the fuck up, let me climb up."

jimin started climbing and the ladder seemed so unstable, taehyung couldn't let him do that. "no, no, jimin, come back up." he sighed in defeat. "i'll let you in, just get down the fucking ladder." jimin looked up at him, a satisfied smile on his lips and he got down walking back into the house. taehyung ran a hand through his dirty hair and flopped onto his bed, back to his initial position. he didn't want to see jimin but he cared about his friend's safety more than about his feelings. soon enough, jimin was knocking on his door and taehyung let out a painful groan, getting up again to unlock the door before walking back to his bed and laying on it again. jimin opened the door walking in, crinkling his noise.

"how the fuck did you make such a mess? it's not like you changed into new clothes." he said with disdain, looking over the room.

taehyung's room was in fact, a mess. there were clothes all over the floor and his bed was unmade, most of the shits that previously were on his desk were now all on the floor from that sudden anger that had him throwing everything in his room on the floor. plus, there were at least 14 ramen boxes piled up in the corner of his room, which half-relieved and half-disgusted jimin. good news, his friend was not starving himself. bad news, he was a fucking pig.

"i had, erm..." taehyung started, his voice raspy from the lack of interaction he had had in the past three days.

"yeah, i don't need any explanations, look at me." jimin ordered. taehyung rolled his eyes at how rude he was but he knew he did it for his well being. he rolled around in his bed, sitting up and looked at jimin sassily.

"don't give me that attitude. you look like shit by the way."

"wow thanks, nugget."

"did i not just say don't give me attitude, you rude piece of shit." jimin said rolling his eyes, and somehow seeing his friend angry made taehyung snort. "anyway. you're an idiot."

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