19 - telling the truth

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it had been almost a week since taehyung and jungkook were officially a couple and things were going great. they hadn't told anyone yet, to not make a fuss about it, and only yoongi and jimin were aware of it. it was friday morning and once again, taehyung had spent the night at jungkook's and now, here they both were, procrastinating to get out of bed.

"what time is it again?" taehyung asked for the tenth time in the past thirty minutes.

"early enough for us to stay here a little more." jungkook said with his morning voice that drove taehyung completely insane.

"we should get up."

"why? i think that's a terrible idea. what are you so stressed about, angel?"

"nothing. i just don't want you to be late."

"hmm. slept well?"

"yeah. you?"

"yeah, i did." jungkook said, a smile growing on his face. jungkook had never been a morning person. but to be with taehyung he'd wake up anytime, at any hour of the day. "you're eating with your friends today?" he asked and taehyung nodded,

"you know... we should tell them it was an act and we're dating again, for real, now." jungkook said, nuzzling his head in taehyung's neck. "it's been more than a week, babe. shouldn't we tell them? they're your best friends. and i think jimin won't be able to hide it for a long time."

"please. he was able to hide a three months relationship from us."

"yeah... but please? i want to be with you and hold hands with you again at school. i miss you and i can't even come near your table."

"you're probably right. and i miss you too... but they're going to be so pissed at me."

"they won't be for very long. it's impossible being mad at you."

"yeah talk for yourself. angel, they were mad at me for ten days last time because i refused to share my fucking donuts. i bought those donuts. and they were mad because i wasn't sharing! buy your own fucking donuts, i'm not sharing my food!"

"i see that's still a painful memory to you." jungkook said ironically.

"i still have nightmare about it sometimes." he declared dramatically and the younger rolled his eyes.

"you wouldn't even share your food with me?"

"kook, i might be deeply in love with you, i'm not sharing my food with anyone. and you know i'll buy some for you if you asked, but fucking ask for it, if you touch my own plate, i'll fucking punish you."

"that sounded kinky."

"no, i'd punish you like, i'd tickle you until you fucking peed yourself, get out of here, you nasty foetus."

"you are so rude to me, why do i put up with you?"

"well, i'm undeniably irresistible." taehyung said, blinking twice as if it was obvious. "ah. yes. why didn't i think of that."

"anyway. get out of bed. now. you'll be late otherwise." he ordered and jungkook groaned, knowing he was right. he rolled out of bed, pulling on the sheets as he did so.

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