epilogue - a proper anniversary

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two years later

"are you ready?" jimin asked, fixing taehyung's tie as he nervously ran a hand through his hair.

"no?!" the younger exclaimed. "how in hell would i be ready? i'm nervous as fuck, i'm sweating and the freaking tie is choking me, what are you doing, i'm already hyperventilating why do you want me to stop breathing?!"

jimin and taehyung were in yoongi and jimin's shared bedroom, preparing taehyung for a date with jungkook. it was their 2 years and a half anniversary and taehyung was freaking out over it.

"don't talk to me on that tone. and if you're so unsatisfied, you can tie it yourself." the older said, turning on his heels, which had taehyung freaking out just twice as much.

"no, no, i was kidding, come back!" jimin rolled his eyes, going back to taehyung and bringing his hands back up to his tie. he fidgeted a little bit more with it before he took a step back.

"there, now it's done. you gigantic baby." he added before sticking his tongue out to him, which had taehyung laughing nervously.

"do i look good?"

"well, as good as you can, i'd say." jimin joked and taehyung gave him a threatening stare. "wow, relax, i'm kidding. you look really good, tae. alright? now stop being nervous."

taehyung took a deep breath in, checking his pockets to make sure he had everything he needed. he had told jungkook he would meet him at 7 at the restaurant's table he had reserved for them. he nodded to himself, thank jimin once more and went to see yoongi in the kitchen, leaning against a counter.

"you're sweating like a pig." was the first thing he said to him when he saw him and taehyung rolled his eyes.

"such kind words, thanks hyung." he replied and yoongi chuckled.

"are you nervous?"

"what do you think?" he said which had yoongi laughing again and walking closer to him. "it'll go just fine. you know just how much jungkook loves you, don't you?" he said, squeezing reassuringly his shoulder and taehyung nodded hesitantly.

"plus, who could resist you, you look very charming." he added and taehyung laughed.

"he's my greatest work so far." jimin announced proudly as he got in the kitchen and yoongi chuckled, pressing a kiss to his temple. taehyung smiled at them before his eyes landed on the microwave, showing that it was 6:43.

"fuck guys, i have to go!" he exclaimed. jimin followed his stare towards the microwave and nodded, looking taehyung up and done as a last checkup.

"well, i think you're good to go."


"yeah. go get him, tiger." yoongi said, hugging him quickly, and then jimin hugged him as well, and it was truly time to leave. taehyung got outside, waving one last time at jimin and yoongi who watched him leave as if they were watching their very own child leaving for the first day of university or something like that.

he got in his car and drove to the restaurant where fortunately, jungkook wasn't at yet. taehyung would have hated to make him wait. he followed a woman to the table he had reserved and sat there, waiting for his boyfriend, who later on arrived, dressed just as fancy as taehyung was. taehyung stood up as soon as he saw him, something glittering in his eyes as he lovingly stared at him. jungkook joined him and taehyung pressed a soft kiss on his lips. "hello angel."

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