8 - eunjin's birthday party

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"if i didn't know you better, i could believe you're more nervous about meeting my family than about passing your exams." taehyung said.

it was saturday afternoon and jungkook, taehyung and jimin were all reunited in jimin's room, the two older trying to convince the younger that no matter what he was wearing, he looked more than fine, but in vain.

"this is much bigger than my exams! this is about my first impression with your parents, tae!" jungkook said and taehyung was really wondering if he was saying that because jimin was there or if he genuinely meant it.

"jungkook, it's going to be fine. taehyung's parents are literal angel, and i'm sure they'll love you. i was nervous at first when i met them, but it went okay." jimin reassured the younger, squeezing his shoulder gently.

"but you're not his boyfriend!" jungkook exclaimed before looking at his shoulder. "i can't wear this either now you've folded it." he said and jimin had to hold back a laugh.

"baby, it's going to be fine. look, my parents loved jimin and look at him, he's a brat." taehyung said and jimin stuck his tongue out at him.

"was there a word you people didn't understand when i said 'he wasn't your boyfriend'! this is different, what if they don't approve of me?" jungkook snapped and jimin threw an arm around his shoulder.

"taehyung was going to live with me. i was going to take him away for his parent's house. 't was a pretty fucking big deal, if you'd like to know." he said and jungkook looked down at him before nodding.

"you're right, i'm sorry for snapping at you. can you lend me something else?"

taehyung looked at them and smiled. it was great seeing his best friend and his boyfriend getting closer to each other. as taehyung had offered after yoongi got sick, jungkook had indeed stayed at his for a couple of days, until yoongi was completely better, and during this time, him and jimin had grown to being closer friends, and it truly warmed taehyung's heart.

"sure, here, wait, i think this would suit you." jimin answered, taking from his closet a white dress shirt, a pair of beautiful black pants along with shoes.

"won't that be a little too small for me though?"

"nah, those aren't mine, i stole those from taehyung a while ago." jimin shrugged nonchalantly and taehyung clutched onto his shirt with a hurt expression.

"and you're saying that openly? i've been looking for those clothes for years."

"there was a time when taehyung wore something else besides scratchy sweaters?" jungkook asked and jimin laughed as taehyung rolled his eyes.

"say whatever you want, jeon jungkook, i know you adore them."

"alright maybe i do." he mumbled and taehyung smiled brightly. "okay, so i'll go with this? will it be okay?" jungkook asked, trying to change the topic.

"yes kook, you'll be fine." jimin sighed, rolling his eyes.

"baby, you look good whatever you wear, can we just go because being late is worse than being badly dressed."

"fuck! you're right, are we going to be late?"

taehyung chuckled and jimin just wasn't amused anymore. "well if you stop fucking talking, maybe we won't!"

"alright, jesus, calm down tiny tim, we're leaving now." jungkook replied and taehyung burst out laughing at the nickname. to think he was calling jimin 'fun size', maybe he'd change it to that then.

"i am so going to punch both of you in the face one day."

"yeah, it'd be easier if you were actually able to reach our faces." taehyung said and jimin glared at him dangerously. "so we'd better get going right?" he said with enthusiasm, almost getting afraid of his smaller friend.

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