2 - planning it

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y'all send help i don't know dipshit about college literally how does that thing work guys i'm doing my best writing about what i know and if something doesn't make sense i apologize just comment or warn me please.

"so first, we're going to have to plan the shit out of this. because if we don't have it planned well enough, then at one point to save ourselves, one of us will kiss the other without a warning because they panicked and that's how people fall in love and we literally don't have time for that." taehyung said, taking a sip from the coffee he just ordered.

"yeah, alright. so how do you want to go with this? do i have to lie to my friend as well? make it more believable?"

"no, jungkook, of course not. you're already helping a lot, you don't have to lie to your friends. but inform them as soon as possible, i wouldn't want them to get angry at you for this."

jungkook smiled. he had barely spent a few days in the company of the other boy and he already knew how much of a heart of gold he had. never doing a thing without asking him if it was alright with him, making sure everything was going as jungkook had agreed to, always paying for his coffee when they met up. jungkook really appreciated his company and if he hadn't known for the bet, taehyung probably would have win him over somehow anyway. he looked up from his half eaten muffin to meet taehyung's insistent stare on him.


"i'm picking up traits i like about you."


"well, in case they ask. you might as well do the same." taehyung said, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. jungkook nodded in answer before focusing on his muffin again. "when do we start the tutoring sessions?"

"fuck, i forgot about that. tonight? if it's alright with you?"

"well, i promised i would, so i will. i don't have anything planned tonight anyway."

"great. then i'll see you tonight?"

"hmm. or come at our table at lunch time. we're the ones laughing like idiots all the time. i doubt you'll miss us."

"can i bring someone with me?"

"yes, of course."

"then i'll see you tomorrow, soon-to-be boyfriend." jungkook said, standing up and leaving the cafe. taehyung smiled at his words before pulling his phone out of the pocket of his jacket and texting jimin.

ah! i'm bringing a plus one at the table tomorrow. and my plus one is bringing a plus one. i suggest you look nice tomorrow, park.

he didn't wait for an answer, smiling in victory. everything was going perfect according to the plan and taehyung loved spending time with jungkook.

this was going to be one great month.


maybe taehyung was wrong. clearly, not everything was going to be great.

having jungkook at his table could've been great if his friends weren't so damn annoying. but now, they were talking loudly and laughing and teasing him and they were being way much more annoying than their usual selves. taehyung didn't even know it was possible.

jungkook had indeed brought yoongi, which made it slightly less uncomfortable because jimin was weirdly not harassing him when the older was around.

at some point in the massacre, jungkook noticed how uncomfortable taehyung seemed and he timidly placed his hand on top of the other's, earning a small smile and a wave of coos from taehyung's friends who'd unfortunately noticed.

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