5 - procrastination and innuendos

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hi, i forgot this was actually happening in korea??? so i put american history because i know it's in the courses you can follow when you study business so that's what i wrote. i'm sorry it doesn't really make sense, i guess? i don't know. however. enjoy.

the weekend had ended a little too soon. it was monday morning and jungkook already wanted to throw his phone in the toilet as it rung a reminder for him to get out of bed. he whined, rolling out of his bed, accidentally completely falling onto the ground. "dammit." he groaned, getting back up on his feet.

yoongi had already left the apartment still mildly angry at jungkook as he hadn't given him any news that he had slept at taehyung and that he apparently was worrying all morning. jungkook had had his fair share of reproach on leaving for the night without warning, and even taehyung had listened to yoongi telling him to call if he was going to keep jungkook for the night.

so now, jungkook was alone in his house, head hanging low as he walked to his kitchen. he made himself a cup of coffee and sat down at the table. he was dozing off again when his phone ringed. he answered, not even checking who was calling. "jungkook?" taehyung's voice asked and jungkook almost smiled but he still hadn't have enough of his coffee.

"it is i, what's up."

"i'm coming to pick you up, be ready in like thirty minutes. and don't forget, i'm tutoring you tonight." he said and jungkook hadn't been awake long enough to comprehend what he was saying.

"huh?" he answered and he could almost hear taehyung rolling his eyes.

"forget it, i'm here, i'm waiting in front of your building, i'm coming up." he hung up before jungkook answered. soon enough, he was knocking at the door. jungkook took a few seconds to react, slowly getting up to walk to the door. he opened it, greeted by taehyung wearing a sweater, oh lord, it seemed so soft, jungkook just wanted to nap, cuddling with taehyung for the rest of the day. he scratched the back of his head, suddenly aware of how atrocious he must've looked. his face was probably swollen as he had barely just woken up, his hair were literally all over the place and he was only wearing an oversized white shirt with black boxers. "hey." he mumbled and taehyung smiled brightly.

"hey there sunshine. had a good night of sleep?"

"fuck no. what are you doing here so early?"

"was bored."

"do you even have classes on monday?"

"usually yes, but this morning is cancelled, though i thought i could offer you a coffee or a breakfast somewhere? unless you're late, then i can just walk you to school. which one, kitten?"

"wow, really that bored, huh?"

"you have no idea." he said lazily. "you letting me in, or are we staying like that at the door for the next hour?"

"oh yeah, sorry, come in." jungkook opened the door a little wider and walked back to the kitchen. "you want anything to drink?"

"no, i'm good, thank you." jungkook nodded and he excused himself to go clean himself up a little. when he came back, dressed in jeans and a black shirt, taehyung was sat at the table patiently waiting for him. jungkook sat in front of him, looking down at his now mildly cold coffee. "so, what is it this morning, american history, right?" jungkook looked up at him with pleading eyes, as if taehyung could do anything about it. taehyung chuckled. "sorry pumpkin, i can't change it."

"what's up with all the nicknames this morning?"

"i don't know. felt like it." he replied softly and jungkook stood up and started to walk from one side of the room to the other again and again, the only thought of american history making him want to dig a hole in the earth and just hide in it.

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