12 - protective boyfriend

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jungkook got out of his class; it was literature, the pain from the punches he had gained getting worse. his cut was stinging and his lower lip was still bleeding. honestly, he could almost feel a bruise creating itself on his eye and his jaw felt awful. he walked outside, the cold freezing him to the core and he cursed himself for fearing yoongi's reaction because otherwise, he'd be going back home in a car right now. he walked for ten minutes, clenching his fist, not even calmed down yet.

the brown haired boy unlocked the door of his appartement, greeted by the familiar sight of taehyung playing on his phone. "hi." he muttered weakly, automatically getting the older's attention.

"what the fuck happened to your face?" taehyung said, standing up from the couch, taking a few quick steps to the boy, taking his face between his hands. jungkook winced but didn't move away.

"hello to you too."

"answer." taehyung ordered.

"i got in a fight."

"what in the fuck were you thinking? goddamit, go sit on the counter in the kitchen i'm going to get something to disinfect, alcohol or something..." he said, walking away and the rest of his sentence went unheard. jungkook obeyed, going to the kitchen, lowering his head. he felt stupid already, taehyung scolding him wasn't helping.

"it's in the cabinet at the right! i mean, the first aid kit." jungkook shouted at his intention.

"i know where it is, jungkook." taehyung said, before coming back in the kitchen. he quickly looked over jungkook's face, sighing as he put alcohol on a washcloth. "so, who was it? what happened, why did you fight?"

jungkook looked down to his hands. "it was nobody." taehyung took the younger's chin between his fingers, lifting his face and dabbing softly the washcloth on his skin. jungkook made a noise that strangely resembled a growl.

"i don't believe that. tell me at least why you did it?"

"taehyung, it's not important."

"yes, it is! you got hurt! look, if you had gotten in a little insignificant fight and i wasn't cleaning your cuts right now, maybe i wouldn't make such a fuss about it. but now it's bad. so you're going to have to tell me or i swear, i'm telling yoongi and we're forcing you to tell us about it."

"i did it for you, alright?!"

"you fucking what?" taehyung said, meeting his eyes for the first time.

"there was this guy, okay, and he... he was talking— he's seen us together and he was saying... he was saying that i was too good for you and that you were nothing compared to me and that you weren't worth my attention and i couldn't take it, alright? look, taehyung, you know how much i care about you. you're my bo— you're my friend. i wasn't just going to let him get away with that."

"but jungkook i don't give a fuck about what people say about me! i don't! you don't have to defend me about thing that literally doesn't matter to me! i care more about you than my reputation, dammit! so don't get in a fight because an idiot talked shit about me, was i clear?" jungkook looked down, nodding sheepishly and taehyung kissed one of his bruise, way too close to his lips.

"thank you. no one has ever done that for me before. but don't do it again. brat." jungkook laughed and nodded. "okay, come on baby, let me take care of you now. you're my knight in a shining armour after all, i owe you that." taehyung said, holding his hand out to help jungkook off the counter. "i'm treating you, what do you want to eat? how about something from that chinese restaurant at the end of the street?"

"we could just stay in. i don't know. watch a drama or something. we could eat ice cream?"

"yeah, no, you don't have any."

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