16 - break up

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taehyung and jungkook had spent an entire three days planning the break up scene. for the sake of old times, they had met up at their usual little coffee place, taehyung had paid jungkook's coffee each times and they planned it. somehow, they managed to make the activity fun; trying to make one of their last time as a couple a little memorable. doing couple-y things for the last time, and although it was kind of fun, it hurt even more knowing it was the last time.

one of their last meetings were almost done and once again they'd both go back their separate ways. well they should have, anyway. but taehyung wouldn't accept that again. "do you maybe... i don't know, want to go out today? we could walk around and go to the restaurant?"

"taehyung, i have a class and..."

"jungkook, i know your schedule, your last class ends at 1:30 today. if you don't want to, you can just say it." the older replied and jungkook shook his head.

"no, no, i would love to go, i just have to study for a coming up test. not as important as the others but yep, my lit teacher is that insane, after the exams session, he's giving us more."

"then... a study date? for the sake of old time?" he suggested with a small voice, a shy smile drawing itself on his face. jungkook smiled as well and he nodded.

"alright. yeah, we could do that. chinese food?"

"chinese food." taehyung confirmed and jungkook took his hand, taking him by surprise. "walk me to school? and then you'll wait at mine?"

taehyung smiled. he quite liked this turn of events. "yeah. that sounds good." he said as he held the door open for the younger and they both got outside. weather these days was a literal rollercoaster but today, it was sunny, just the ideal temperature for a long walk around the park.

they arrived in front of the college and jungkook let go of taehyung's hand, quickly kissing his cheek. he got in his class, leaving taehyung behind with a stupid grin on his face. maybe everything would work out finally?

the end of jungkook's class arrived a little too late for his liking, as he had waited a few hours but it was alright because jungkook was worth and deserved the wait. when jungkook got in, taehyung was pacing from one side of the room to the other nervously and as soon as he noticed the boy, his face was lit up by a big smile. "hey. so as you finished really early i thought maybe we could go take a walk? it's really pretty outside. and then we could get to studying?"

jungkook smiled back. "hmm... yeah, sure, just let me change quickly, put something a little warmer still? i know it's getting better but it's still cold."

"yeah, yeah, sure."

jungkook walked to his room, once again leaving taehyung alone in the living room. about two minutes later he was back, wearing an oversized sweatshirt and black jeans. "so, let's go, shall we?" he asked happily and taehyung nodded. they got out of the apartment and it was, in fact, slightly cold outside, but just enough to have an excuse to hold hands and walk a little closer than they should.

they walked past a park where trees were already blossoming with flowers, talking about everything that crossed their minds.

"anyway, how are your classes going? we only ever talk about mine, which is completely illogical because mine are fucking boring."

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