13 - charity and amuse-bouche

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much to jungkook's displeasure, march 8th had come a lot faster than he wished it would have. he was sat on his couch, alone—taehyung had already gone to his father's mansion to get ready—and he had absolutely no motivation to pay a visit to his father. however, jungkook felt a sort of obligation to go. he had already a suit ready in his wardrobe, he and yoongi had went to the closest place to rent suits, and surprisingly, he had found one quite snazzy and to an abordable price.

yoongi had refused to accompany him under pretext that he had a date with jimin and anyway taehyung is going to be there, you won't be needing me. so now, here was jungkook, most likely contemplating death, really hoping for some odd reason the event would be cancelled.

unfortunately, nobody ever paid any attention to jungkook's hopes.

groaning as he did so, he stood up from his couch, walking over to his room, head hanging low and dragging his feet across the room. he changed into his white shirt and black suit, taking a quick glance in the mirror and giving himself an appreciative nod.

he ruffled his hair on the way out, his main goal being irritating his father as much as he could with the slightest details. he pulled out his phone from his pocket, typing a text informing taehyung he was on his way and got in the car his father had sent for him.

his father's house (big ass mansion) was quite a long time from his appartement and the young man was starting to get impatient. his suit was folding itself, he was starting to sweat and he desperately needed to pee.

when he got out of the car, almost an hour later, people were parked everywhere in front of the house and the sun had already set although it was barely six in the evening. he blinked twice at the sight of the house, the house in which he lost himself so many times when he was young, where he had had his first steps, his first words, but it somehow still didn't quite felt like home.

he got in, welcomed by the jack who immediately recognized him, not even bothering asking if his name was on the list. inside, people were all wearing prestigious clothes, all trying to look better than one another. jungkook rolled his eyes and walked lazily towards a table covered in food. he tried looking for his father and gave up a few seconds later, seeing his father not really his priority for the night. he got on his tippy toes, trying to find taehyung in the crowd. he shouldn't have been hard to find, he was by far the greatest and most gorgeous person here. he kept on looking around before someone tapped lightly his shoulder.

"looking for me?"

jungkook winced at the cold familiar voice, bracing himself for the future events as he turned around. "hey dad."

his father was wearing the same expression he always had, his lips in a thin line and his eyes looking serious and severe. "hello son." he replied and there was not an ounce of warmth in his voice. "fancy seeing you here, i thought i told you to come an hour sooner."

"you can tell that to your driver." jungkook replied not missing a beat and his father pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing.

"i'm going to ask you to be decent for tonight. just this once. i have important people to present you, they will be a great help for you if you behave correctly."

"so if i don't talk and speak my mind, i should be alright then?" the younger asked with irony and the older man rolled his eyes.

"look, some waiters are serving champagne, take a glass, and come see me when you'll be feeling more mature."

"hmm, i should just go back home then." jungkook mumbled inaudibly, but he nodded before walking away. he kept on looking around as he walked, smiling politely to the people he came across and finally he saw him. but there was something different about him. jungkook approached him and he pulled on his sleeve to gain his attention.

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