10 - drunken hookups and secrets

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so do y'all remember about yoongi's secret boyfriend that was mentioned in the first chapter? his time has come.

(btw vmin lives in a sort of duplex? i don't know, that's how i imagined it)

when taehyung woke up, he was naked, in bed, next to jeon jungkook who, hey, look at that, also happened to be naked. taehyung yawned and looked down at jungkook.

his head was pounding but he oddly didn't feel bothered by it. jungkook was next to him, looking as ethereal as ever and for once, everything about this didn't feel like a dream; it finally felt real.

taehyung softly stroked the younger's cheek, jungkook's eyes fluttering open as he did so. "hmm, 'mornin." he yawned, his eyes forming small crescents as he looked at taehyung with a content smile.

"good morning to you too. how are you feeling?"

"good. very good, actually. you?"

"hmm, good as well." taehyung declared and they both didn't find quite the words to express what they meant to say without risking making a complete fool of themselves.

"so..." jungkook breathed as taehyung chuckled lightly, taking a strand of hair of the younger and twisting it around his finger.


i don't think fake boyfriends do that. jungkook wanted to say but he kept his mouth shut. their bodies were pressed up against each other and their warmth were shared.

"okay, i'm sorry but i'm kind of hungry? can i go get something?"

jungkook laughed and nodded, as taehyung got out of bed, putting back on his underwear. "can i bring you something?"

"hmm, strawberries." the younger said, yawning. taehyung nodded and got out of the room. as he walked to the kitchen, he couldn't stop smiling. at least, that was until he saw jimin in the kitchen, eating cereals, leaning against the counter. his smile dropped and his brows furrowed.

"jimin? what are you doing here?" the short boy's head shot up, his eyes wide as he looked at his friend.

"you spent the night over? you never do that." he said, mostly to himself.

"what are you doing here?" taehyung repeated, ignoring jimin's question.

"i... i'm dating yoongi." wait, what the fuck?

"you're what? since when?"

jimin looked down to his hands and taehyung blinked twice. why hadn't jimin told him already? he would've been happy for him.

"it's been three months." WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK?

"what? i... you— why haven't you told me?"

jimin shook his head, as if he wasn't finding a good enough answer to excuse the fact he had hidden his relationship from his best friend. he could have just said he hooked up with yoongi once and now they were dating. what an idiot. why didn't he think of that before?

"i.. i thought we were best friends. i thought we told each other everything." taehyung stuttered and jimin felt so bad.

"it's nothing personal! we just... we didn't want anyone to know."

"but... me? since when are we even keeping secrets from each other?"

jimin felt tears go up to his eyes. "i know, i just..." he interrupted himself. "you haven't been telling me the truth either."

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